[For educational purpose; it’s a personal analysis on the platform medium of screen poetry, creative writing, the English language & culture. It represent a collective body of literatures with aiming goal of developing further a poetry presence poetic through screen media. It’s a Master of Art research proposal converted to be a book & a book within a book; so others of the academic world & institutions can & may have a deeper look onto the private aesthetic of a poet named NkwNgr. This e-version is dedicate to the digital experience of e-poetry & thus strengthen the passion of English poetic literature. It’s a profound unusual e-book which is primarily focus on the advance aspects of institutionalised learning with poetry as the mission objective in expressing genuine storytelling of an artistic journey. It’s an e-book for those who’re serious about using poetry for their graduate studies & for those in the future who’ll seek archival scholarly notes concerning the poetic tittle of Israel Moor X Bey El.]
[For educational purpose; it’s a personal analysis on the platform medium of screen poetry, creative writing, the English language & culture. It represent a collective body of literatures with aiming goal of developing further a poetry presence poetic through screen media. It’s a Master of Art research proposal converted to be a book & a book within a book; so others of the academic world & institutions can & may have a deeper look onto the private aesthetic of a poet named NkwNgr. This e-version is dedicate to the digital experience of e-poetry & thus strengthen the passion of English poetic literature. It’s a profound unusual e-book which is primarily focus on the advance aspects of institutionalised learning with poetry as the mission objective in expressing genuine storytelling of an artistic journey. It’s an e-book for those who’re serious about using poetry for their graduate studies & for those in the future who’ll seek archival scholarly notes concerning the poetic tittle of Israel Moor X Bey El.]