Class of 1980, a bright young senior intellectually skilled academically while charamastically driven in street savvy strikes gold when his veteran peddling dealings amongst his private school take a product transition to a mysterious, small, white pebble that instantly brings him and his team of like minded friends a hundred thousand dollar hallway fortune. With many of their wealth induced classmates and faculty members as helpless victims although loyal to they're ascending empire. But as the new found teenage dream basked in success and riches from clothes, cars, endless procceds, and anything they can ever desire. A wave in catastrophe sets in on the parade to financial luxury and freedom just before it's time to grace a farewell before the stage to graduation that not only alters his life but an entire generation forever.
Class of 1980, a bright young senior intellectually skilled academically while charamastically driven in street savvy strikes gold when his veteran peddling dealings amongst his private school take a product transition to a mysterious, small, white pebble that instantly brings him and his team of like minded friends a hundred thousand dollar hallway fortune. With many of their wealth induced classmates and faculty members as helpless victims although loyal to they're ascending empire. But as the new found teenage dream basked in success and riches from clothes, cars, endless procceds, and anything they can ever desire. A wave in catastrophe sets in on the parade to financial luxury and freedom just before it's time to grace a farewell before the stage to graduation that not only alters his life but an entire generation forever.