Climax of the Starlight On Stone saga in which the heroes of books one through four converge on the mythological battlefield of Kadesh. The peace-bride, Princess Harranish, at last is forced upon the boy-king, Shi-shi, amid starving masses, conniving servants and weary warriors whose loyalties are ever suspect. High adventure, legendary love and vast wealth for those who prevail. Death for the losers. Something more enduring for those who refuse to engage.
Climax of the Starlight On Stone saga in which the heroes of books one through four converge on the mythological battlefield of Kadesh. The peace-bride, Princess Harranish, at last is forced upon the boy-king, Shi-shi, amid starving masses, conniving servants and weary warriors whose loyalties are ever suspect. High adventure, legendary love and vast wealth for those who prevail. Death for the losers. Something more enduring for those who refuse to engage.