Now any trader (stock market, commodity, option, etc.) or prospective trader can master the skills of technical analysis with this up-to-date, hands-on study guide to accompany the popular text selected by the Market Technicians Association as the principal text for its prestigious CMT program. Charles D. Kirkpatrick II and Julie Dahlquist help readers learn, review, and master all key elements of technical analysis, preparing them to earn the Market Technician Association's prestigious CMT certification -- and, if they choose, apply their CMTs towards earning indispensable SEC Section 86 credentials. Fully aligned with the current Second Edition of Technical Analysis, this workbook-style book includes chapter learning objectives, chapter summaries, reviews of key terms and concepts, chapter questions, problems, solutions for all of the problems in the main text, additional questions and activities, multiple choice questions, student self quizzes, and more. It covers the full spectrum of issues, including tested sentiment, momentum indicators, seasonal affects, flow of funds, testing systems, risk mitigation strategies, and new advances in market analysis, portfolio selection, and systems management, and more.
Now any trader (stock market, commodity, option, etc.) or prospective trader can master the skills of technical analysis with this up-to-date, hands-on study guide to accompany the popular text selected by the Market Technicians Association as the principal text for its prestigious CMT program. Charles D. Kirkpatrick II and Julie Dahlquist help readers learn, review, and master all key elements of technical analysis, preparing them to earn the Market Technician Association's prestigious CMT certification -- and, if they choose, apply their CMTs towards earning indispensable SEC Section 86 credentials. Fully aligned with the current Second Edition of Technical Analysis, this workbook-style book includes chapter learning objectives, chapter summaries, reviews of key terms and concepts, chapter questions, problems, solutions for all of the problems in the main text, additional questions and activities, multiple choice questions, student self quizzes, and more. It covers the full spectrum of issues, including tested sentiment, momentum indicators, seasonal affects, flow of funds, testing systems, risk mitigation strategies, and new advances in market analysis, portfolio selection, and systems management, and more.