You graduated from college and are now working in a corporation. You were anxious to use all that great theoretical knowledge you acquired from your professors and prove to your bosses that you are a highly motivated and exceptionally talented employee that provides tremendous value. Years have now passed and things arent quite what you expected. Not everyone is as bright as you...some are actually arrogant jerks! As Dwight K. Schrute once said, “nothing stresses me out except having to seek the approval of my inferiors.” This book captures real life, practical experiences that will help you survive and prosper.
You graduated from college and are now working in a corporation. You were anxious to use all that great theoretical knowledge you acquired from your professors and prove to your bosses that you are a highly motivated and exceptionally talented employee that provides tremendous value. Years have now passed and things arent quite what you expected. Not everyone is as bright as you...some are actually arrogant jerks! As Dwight K. Schrute once said, “nothing stresses me out except having to seek the approval of my inferiors.” This book captures real life, practical experiences that will help you survive and prosper.