May 1931. Their world spun into chaos. In a small Ukrainian village, two brothers, Iwan and Petro, lived a simple existence under the watchful eye of their parents. Until that day...that day the dark cloud of the Communist regime executed its stranglehold on the village, forcing a deliberate act of defiance by the brothers that will change their lives forever. To earn life, they first had to die. Almost painful at times, Talabarske not only captures a dark chapter of humanity with all of its complexities during World War II, but serves as a powerful introspective of the human spirit and innately human passion for life and liberty amidst daily perils. Unimaginable odds, an unforgettable journey and an unbelievable true story of perseverance, finding the will to live and courage in the face of death. Talabarske is a story that proves that anything is possible—because life is on your side.
May 1931. Their world spun into chaos. In a small Ukrainian village, two brothers, Iwan and Petro, lived a simple existence under the watchful eye of their parents. Until that day...that day the dark cloud of the Communist regime executed its stranglehold on the village, forcing a deliberate act of defiance by the brothers that will change their lives forever. To earn life, they first had to die. Almost painful at times, Talabarske not only captures a dark chapter of humanity with all of its complexities during World War II, but serves as a powerful introspective of the human spirit and innately human passion for life and liberty amidst daily perils. Unimaginable odds, an unforgettable journey and an unbelievable true story of perseverance, finding the will to live and courage in the face of death. Talabarske is a story that proves that anything is possible—because life is on your side.