The first in a series of Teen Zombie books, Dead Boy Walking introduces you to Josh Ramirez, his family, friends and foes as he becomes medically reanimated with super-zombie powers and fights his first battles against deadly zombies; while he and black belt Alexis Spade begin crushing on each other. Thirteen chapters outline the details of the Josh Ramirez who was accidently electrocuted and medically reanimated shortly after his death and now has super-zombie powers. These include adrenalin rage strength and primitive fighting instincts. Fighting evil with his friends he leads a secret life as the Teen Zombie anxiously waiting for the day that he can be made fully normal again.
The first in a series of Teen Zombie books, Dead Boy Walking introduces you to Josh Ramirez, his family, friends and foes as he becomes medically reanimated with super-zombie powers and fights his first battles against deadly zombies; while he and black belt Alexis Spade begin crushing on each other. Thirteen chapters outline the details of the Josh Ramirez who was accidently electrocuted and medically reanimated shortly after his death and now has super-zombie powers. These include adrenalin rage strength and primitive fighting instincts. Fighting evil with his friends he leads a secret life as the Teen Zombie anxiously waiting for the day that he can be made fully normal again.