The 10 Days - A Revelation, is based on a true story that revolves around three government officials who were abducted, and held hostage by underground outfits in Manipur. In the events that unravel during their experience as hostages in an unfamiliar place, over a span of ten days, lay the crux of the story. Here is a gripping tale of survival including true accounts from the people involved. This story also gives readers an insight on Manipur’s cultural and historical heritage, in addition to information on the flora and fauna, and its rare edible vegetables growing in the hills. Buckle up and let the author, leader of the three hostages, walk you through this tale of grit and determination as he reminisces about his adventure.
The 10 Days - A Revelation, is based on a true story that revolves around three government officials who were abducted, and held hostage by underground outfits in Manipur. In the events that unravel during their experience as hostages in an unfamiliar place, over a span of ten days, lay the crux of the story. Here is a gripping tale of survival including true accounts from the people involved. This story also gives readers an insight on Manipur’s cultural and historical heritage, in addition to information on the flora and fauna, and its rare edible vegetables growing in the hills. Buckle up and let the author, leader of the three hostages, walk you through this tale of grit and determination as he reminisces about his adventure.