The Age of Not Believing is a beautifully illustrated new Christmas story for children, about a young boy at the 'age of not believing' who discovers, the true meaning and magic of Christmas. Filled with messages and ideals, twists and surprises, The Age of Not Believing is sure to please and to surprise.
Thomas is awoken on Christmas Eve by a mysterious voice. As he follows the voice and walks towards the Christmas tree, he is magically transported to the strange and troubled land of Semdar (an anagram of 'dreams'), where the wicked Torga has banished Christmas, forever.
Only he can break the spell, but as his adventure unfolds, he is captured by silver wolves and taken to Torga's castle, where through an unexpected turn of events, he ends up helping and saving the witch!
The story ends with Thomas waking up beneath the Christmas tree. He wonders whether it was all just a dream, but then something catches his eye, to suggest that perhaps it was not...
'...a great story filled with messages and ideals that parents will enjoy reading and sharing with their children as each modern and jaded Christmas draws closer.'
The Writer's Forum.
'....a lovely tale...' Trinity Mirror Group of newspapers.
'I stand by my comment of it being one of the best self published books I have seen....' Garry Blackman, Senior Buying Manager - Books. Tesco Stores.
'I think the story's fantastic, I really liked it, very Grimm with shades of Angela Carter' Oliver Burston SPOOKY POOKA LTD.
'...fabulous book...' Grace Anderson, Literacy Leader, St. Vincent's School, London.
The Age of Not Believing is a beautifully illustrated new Christmas story for children, about a young boy at the 'age of not believing' who discovers, the true meaning and magic of Christmas. Filled with messages and ideals, twists and surprises, The Age of Not Believing is sure to please and to surprise.
Thomas is awoken on Christmas Eve by a mysterious voice. As he follows the voice and walks towards the Christmas tree, he is magically transported to the strange and troubled land of Semdar (an anagram of 'dreams'), where the wicked Torga has banished Christmas, forever.
Only he can break the spell, but as his adventure unfolds, he is captured by silver wolves and taken to Torga's castle, where through an unexpected turn of events, he ends up helping and saving the witch!
The story ends with Thomas waking up beneath the Christmas tree. He wonders whether it was all just a dream, but then something catches his eye, to suggest that perhaps it was not...
'...a great story filled with messages and ideals that parents will enjoy reading and sharing with their children as each modern and jaded Christmas draws closer.'
The Writer's Forum.
'....a lovely tale...' Trinity Mirror Group of newspapers.
'I stand by my comment of it being one of the best self published books I have seen....' Garry Blackman, Senior Buying Manager - Books. Tesco Stores.
'I think the story's fantastic, I really liked it, very Grimm with shades of Angela Carter' Oliver Burston SPOOKY POOKA LTD.
'...fabulous book...' Grace Anderson, Literacy Leader, St. Vincent's School, London.