This collection includes "The Barracks" (about basic training during the Viet Nam War), "Yanni," "Vienna Pension Barbara," "Hands," "Saint Smith," and "Size Matters." "Spit and Polish", a screenplay based on "The Barracks" is also available for the Kindle. Richard Seltzer's published works include: "The Name of Hero" (historical novel, Tarcher/Houghton Mifflin), "Ethiopia Through Russian Eyes" (translation from the Russian, Red Sea/Africa World Press), "The Lizard of Oz" (satiric fantasy, B&R Samizdat Express), and "Now and Then and Other Tales from Ome" (children's stories, B&R Samizdat Express), and four books about doing business over the Internet.Now a publisher of book collections on CD and DVD, he worked for Digital/Compaq for 19 years, most recently as "Internet Evangelist." He graduated from Yale, with a major in English, and got an MA from the U. of Mass. at Amherst in Comparative Literature (French, Russian, and German). At Yale, he had creative writing courses with Robert Penn Warren and Joseph Heller.
This collection includes "The Barracks" (about basic training during the Viet Nam War), "Yanni," "Vienna Pension Barbara," "Hands," "Saint Smith," and "Size Matters." "Spit and Polish", a screenplay based on "The Barracks" is also available for the Kindle. Richard Seltzer's published works include: "The Name of Hero" (historical novel, Tarcher/Houghton Mifflin), "Ethiopia Through Russian Eyes" (translation from the Russian, Red Sea/Africa World Press), "The Lizard of Oz" (satiric fantasy, B&R Samizdat Express), and "Now and Then and Other Tales from Ome" (children's stories, B&R Samizdat Express), and four books about doing business over the Internet.Now a publisher of book collections on CD and DVD, he worked for Digital/Compaq for 19 years, most recently as "Internet Evangelist." He graduated from Yale, with a major in English, and got an MA from the U. of Mass. at Amherst in Comparative Literature (French, Russian, and German). At Yale, he had creative writing courses with Robert Penn Warren and Joseph Heller.