The Big House is a psychological thriller and love story packed with action and adventure. Set in the late 1970's, Andy Miller is a just another small town boy who is filled with much spirit for adventure without the rigors of modern day society-a Tom Sawyer of sorts. One day Andy finally gets the courage to ask his grandparents for a tour of their old abandoned house on Main Street despite the town folks' rumors that it is haunted. He quickly becomes obsessed with all the relics and history the old house offers up. The next thing he knows he is trapped in The Big House, being pursued by demons, gargoyles, lions and Claudia: the ghost of the servants' daughter. Andy quickly discovers that he can be his best ally or worst enemy and that faith comes from within as he battles demons, a ghost and his own fears. This kid learns more in one experience than most people learn in a lifetime. Andy Miller is intended to be a role model for all age groups in today's complex world as he shares his fears, tears and passion with the audience in order to make the reader reaffirm that we all go through life's pitfalls and we are never alone in our struggles. We are all connected on some level.
The Big House is a psychological thriller and love story packed with action and adventure. Set in the late 1970's, Andy Miller is a just another small town boy who is filled with much spirit for adventure without the rigors of modern day society-a Tom Sawyer of sorts. One day Andy finally gets the courage to ask his grandparents for a tour of their old abandoned house on Main Street despite the town folks' rumors that it is haunted. He quickly becomes obsessed with all the relics and history the old house offers up. The next thing he knows he is trapped in The Big House, being pursued by demons, gargoyles, lions and Claudia: the ghost of the servants' daughter. Andy quickly discovers that he can be his best ally or worst enemy and that faith comes from within as he battles demons, a ghost and his own fears. This kid learns more in one experience than most people learn in a lifetime. Andy Miller is intended to be a role model for all age groups in today's complex world as he shares his fears, tears and passion with the audience in order to make the reader reaffirm that we all go through life's pitfalls and we are never alone in our struggles. We are all connected on some level.