The Black Squares Club is a gripping psycho-sexual detective novel written for themature reader. It is the second novel of the Sam Sonn series, built on the personnaof a hi-tech sleuth who undertakes high profile cases. This time, a serial killertaunts both the police and his victims by mailing in crosswords that give cluesto the time and place of his next murder. Sonn attempts to unmask the killer byapplying his knowledge of crosswords, his background in computer science as wellas his uncanny ability to decipher the criminal mind. In order to solve this case,however, he must sacrifice what he deems most precious-the only woman he evertruly loved. The author spins a chilling narrative that traps the readers psychein unsuspecting twists, intellectual challenges, passionate sexual encounters andchilling violence. This is escapism in its purest form, transporting the reader to aplace from which he may never return. Reader discretion is advised.
The Black Squares Club is a gripping psycho-sexual detective novel written for themature reader. It is the second novel of the Sam Sonn series, built on the personnaof a hi-tech sleuth who undertakes high profile cases. This time, a serial killertaunts both the police and his victims by mailing in crosswords that give cluesto the time and place of his next murder. Sonn attempts to unmask the killer byapplying his knowledge of crosswords, his background in computer science as wellas his uncanny ability to decipher the criminal mind. In order to solve this case,however, he must sacrifice what he deems most precious-the only woman he evertruly loved. The author spins a chilling narrative that traps the readers psychein unsuspecting twists, intellectual challenges, passionate sexual encounters andchilling violence. This is escapism in its purest form, transporting the reader to aplace from which he may never return. Reader discretion is advised.