“The Blaque Willow” / “Cat O’ Nine Tales” In “The Blaque Willow” - A Caribbean retirement cruise, on the schooner “Arctica”, leads a Captain to find the love of his life upon a mysterious island. It is a strange and beautiful romance for them. Then together with their crew, whose loyalty is without equal, make way to return to a troubled city (New Orleans) to save it from the ravages of crime and ignorance through their use of guile and swords. / Whilst in “Cat O’ Nine Tales” we find in the Pacific, the catamaran ‘Piska’. On board is a set of curious hand-inked charts that takes its small crew on a coastal dream-mare voyage in and out of an alternative world. These two stories are bound by strange fates with unknown blood ties, flying fish, swords, food and acts of the supernatural! Here the Captain sings, in words, two tales of our cultural mythology, touched with whimsy and accurate facts of our colorful history, to explain the intent and legitimacy of the goings on. The dual yarns are rich in details and contain a native’s touch of ‘Southern Charm’.
“The Blaque Willow” / “Cat O’ Nine Tales” In “The Blaque Willow” - A Caribbean retirement cruise, on the schooner “Arctica”, leads a Captain to find the love of his life upon a mysterious island. It is a strange and beautiful romance for them. Then together with their crew, whose loyalty is without equal, make way to return to a troubled city (New Orleans) to save it from the ravages of crime and ignorance through their use of guile and swords. / Whilst in “Cat O’ Nine Tales” we find in the Pacific, the catamaran ‘Piska’. On board is a set of curious hand-inked charts that takes its small crew on a coastal dream-mare voyage in and out of an alternative world. These two stories are bound by strange fates with unknown blood ties, flying fish, swords, food and acts of the supernatural! Here the Captain sings, in words, two tales of our cultural mythology, touched with whimsy and accurate facts of our colorful history, to explain the intent and legitimacy of the goings on. The dual yarns are rich in details and contain a native’s touch of ‘Southern Charm’.