Set in the intriguing locales of Poland and Russia an American former CIA agent named Michael Theiry, has to come to grip with his past, present and, future as he accepts a 'simple assignment' from a friend who is still with the CIA. The complications and danger arise quickly and steadily. Questions surface about trusting those who were always considered 'friends and allies' versus those who were always considered the enemy as Michael Theiry finds himself caught in the middle of an allegiance between a friend and a Russian FSB Agent with a short fuse and penchant towards brutal violence. As the main characters all learn of a secret with devastating political implications, they also learn that no matter what, every decision in life has a consequence.
Set in the intriguing locales of Poland and Russia an American former CIA agent named Michael Theiry, has to come to grip with his past, present and, future as he accepts a 'simple assignment' from a friend who is still with the CIA. The complications and danger arise quickly and steadily. Questions surface about trusting those who were always considered 'friends and allies' versus those who were always considered the enemy as Michael Theiry finds himself caught in the middle of an allegiance between a friend and a Russian FSB Agent with a short fuse and penchant towards brutal violence. As the main characters all learn of a secret with devastating political implications, they also learn that no matter what, every decision in life has a consequence.