The Criminals Handbook is an unflinching and practical documentthat delivers important survival techniques for anyone unfortunateenough to be arrested, tried, and incarcerated in Canada.Each year almost a quarter of a million adult Canadians areadmitted into some form of custody. If you or someone you knowis facing charges or serving time, then this book gives valuableinformation about how to survive the justice system and prisonculture.In the book, you will learn:• What can and cannot be used against you during aninvestigation and trial.• The signs of a bad or inept lawyer.• How to ensure that outside assets are protected if you areincarcerated.• How legal rights may be blurred by prison officials.• How to avoid the behaviour that creates trouble with otherprisoners.• The etiquette of prisoner/guard interaction.• What seemingly beneficial programs can actually delay orprevent the granting of parole.A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book is donated toprograms for at-risk youth
The Criminals Handbook is an unflinching and practical documentthat delivers important survival techniques for anyone unfortunateenough to be arrested, tried, and incarcerated in Canada.Each year almost a quarter of a million adult Canadians areadmitted into some form of custody. If you or someone you knowis facing charges or serving time, then this book gives valuableinformation about how to survive the justice system and prisonculture.In the book, you will learn:• What can and cannot be used against you during aninvestigation and trial.• The signs of a bad or inept lawyer.• How to ensure that outside assets are protected if you areincarcerated.• How legal rights may be blurred by prison officials.• How to avoid the behaviour that creates trouble with otherprisoners.• The etiquette of prisoner/guard interaction.• What seemingly beneficial programs can actually delay orprevent the granting of parole.A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book is donated toprograms for at-risk youth