The Eclipse of Mrs. Moon tells the story of Linda, a nine-year-old girl who is navigating the world in an emotional void until she meets Mrs. Moon, the elderly antiques dealer, who lives across the street. Both Linda and her mother, are in grave danger because Linda's mother has stolen a key from a very dangerous man, who desperately wants it back. The story weaves a beautiful, yet frightening tapestry of the powerlessness of childhood, and salvation that comes in the form of unconditional love.
The Eclipse of Mrs. Moon tells the story of Linda, a nine-year-old girl who is navigating the world in an emotional void until she meets Mrs. Moon, the elderly antiques dealer, who lives across the street. Both Linda and her mother, are in grave danger because Linda's mother has stolen a key from a very dangerous man, who desperately wants it back. The story weaves a beautiful, yet frightening tapestry of the powerlessness of childhood, and salvation that comes in the form of unconditional love.