The Funding Is Out There! Access the Cash You Need to Impact Your Business provides more than thirty in-depth yet succinct case study examples of what actual business owners have done to raise capital to grow their businesses-covering not just what is available but the "how to" to obtain it, what works best, and why for a particular business type. Including everything from pursuing business-friendly community banks and forming strategic alliances to tapping supplier financing and using crowd funding (both donation and equity-based), it shows business owners how to raise the capital they need to grow their businesses.
The Funding Is Out There! Access the Cash You Need to Impact Your Business provides more than thirty in-depth yet succinct case study examples of what actual business owners have done to raise capital to grow their businesses-covering not just what is available but the "how to" to obtain it, what works best, and why for a particular business type. Including everything from pursuing business-friendly community banks and forming strategic alliances to tapping supplier financing and using crowd funding (both donation and equity-based), it shows business owners how to raise the capital they need to grow their businesses.