Originally published in 1932, The Gods Arrive is the sequel to Hudson River Bracketed and continues the development of Lance Weston and his relationship with Halo Spear who, it transpires, has left her husband to live with Lance. Where the first novel dwelt at length with Lance's aspirations and growth as a writer, this aspect now plays a secondary role to their relationship. Given that the Hudson River is considered a lesser novel in the Wharton collection, The Gods Arrive is merely an adjunct. Yet, surely Wharton knew that and as much it gives a real sense of a writer producing for her own benefit and relaxation. Which is no bad thing in the scheme of things.
Originally published in 1932, The Gods Arrive is the sequel to Hudson River Bracketed and continues the development of Lance Weston and his relationship with Halo Spear who, it transpires, has left her husband to live with Lance. Where the first novel dwelt at length with Lance's aspirations and growth as a writer, this aspect now plays a secondary role to their relationship. Given that the Hudson River is considered a lesser novel in the Wharton collection, The Gods Arrive is merely an adjunct. Yet, surely Wharton knew that and as much it gives a real sense of a writer producing for her own benefit and relaxation. Which is no bad thing in the scheme of things.