'The High-Way of Truth', the title of which obviously puns 'highway' with 'high way', is an unequivocal affirmation of Social Transcendentalism and of the need for a rejection of traditional faith if truth is to emerge metaphysically triumphant over beauty, like the proverbial saint over a neutralized dragon. The cover shows a view of Lower Salthill towards the seafront in the seaside suburb of Galway City, Co. Galway, Republic of Ireland, taken by the author in 2010.
'The High-Way of Truth', the title of which obviously puns 'highway' with 'high way', is an unequivocal affirmation of Social Transcendentalism and of the need for a rejection of traditional faith if truth is to emerge metaphysically triumphant over beauty, like the proverbial saint over a neutralized dragon. The cover shows a view of Lower Salthill towards the seafront in the seaside suburb of Galway City, Co. Galway, Republic of Ireland, taken by the author in 2010.