The Kreuzvogel Experiment is a fictional sci-fi thriller about the lives and the relationship between Howard “Howie” Brice and Miriam Berkowitz. The two are members of a group of seven infants born in April 1936 at the Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago. There they were administered an experimental growth serum by Herr Doktor Ernst Kreuzvogel, a high-ranking member of the Nazi party who is now known as Dr. David Vogelmann.----The experiment, designed to retard the aging process, was successful to the extent that in the year 2016, at the age of eighty, the subjects are still healthy, virile, and appear to be in their late forties-to-mid fifties.----The Kreuzvogel “subjects” discover that they are being systematically stalked and murdered, and their blood harvested to be converted into a serum for the members of Das Neue Dritte Reich, (The New Third Reich), a neo-Nazi organization dedicated to world domination.----Part I begins in 1934 Heidelberg, where Herr Doktor Ernst Kreuzvogel has arrived at his laboratory to work on his experiment. He has successfully experimented on primates, and is now ready to experiment on human subjects. Local council members, however, have rejected his request to fund the project, and the Gestapo are about to arrest him.
The Kreuzvogel Experiment is a fictional sci-fi thriller about the lives and the relationship between Howard “Howie” Brice and Miriam Berkowitz. The two are members of a group of seven infants born in April 1936 at the Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago. There they were administered an experimental growth serum by Herr Doktor Ernst Kreuzvogel, a high-ranking member of the Nazi party who is now known as Dr. David Vogelmann.----The experiment, designed to retard the aging process, was successful to the extent that in the year 2016, at the age of eighty, the subjects are still healthy, virile, and appear to be in their late forties-to-mid fifties.----The Kreuzvogel “subjects” discover that they are being systematically stalked and murdered, and their blood harvested to be converted into a serum for the members of Das Neue Dritte Reich, (The New Third Reich), a neo-Nazi organization dedicated to world domination.----Part I begins in 1934 Heidelberg, where Herr Doktor Ernst Kreuzvogel has arrived at his laboratory to work on his experiment. He has successfully experimented on primates, and is now ready to experiment on human subjects. Local council members, however, have rejected his request to fund the project, and the Gestapo are about to arrest him.