The three girls of Criss, Cross, Applesauce Detective Agency have a mystery to solve...and this one is about MISSING PUPPIES! But who do they belong to? Where are they? And why would anyone do such a dastardly thing? The girls encounter a dog names Pest, then make themselves "pests" as they pursue the mystery to its surprising conclusion.
This mystery incorporates history, geography, culture and cliffhanger chapters that keep kids begging for more! This mystery includes SAT words, educational facts, fun and humor, built-in book club and activities. This Carole Marsh Mystery also has an Accelerated Reader quiz, a Lexile Level, a Fountas & Pinnell guided reading level and a Developmental Reading Assessments.
The three girls of Criss, Cross, Applesauce Detective Agency have a mystery to solve...and this one is about MISSING PUPPIES! But who do they belong to? Where are they? And why would anyone do such a dastardly thing? The girls encounter a dog names Pest, then make themselves "pests" as they pursue the mystery to its surprising conclusion.
This mystery incorporates history, geography, culture and cliffhanger chapters that keep kids begging for more! This mystery includes SAT words, educational facts, fun and humor, built-in book club and activities. This Carole Marsh Mystery also has an Accelerated Reader quiz, a Lexile Level, a Fountas & Pinnell guided reading level and a Developmental Reading Assessments.