Holly lives in the small town of Yorkshire and believes that her long-distance relationship with Luiz, who lives in the big city of London, is going well. One day, they talk about their future and Holly is shocked when Luiz tells her his secret: he’s the CEO of a big company and he isn’t interested in marriage. She wonders if Luiz thinks she only cares about money. Is that the reason he never told her who he really was? Two months after their breakup, Holly tells Luiz that she is pregnant… What is she to make of it when Luiz asks her to marry him?
Holly lives in the small town of Yorkshire and believes that her long-distance relationship with Luiz, who lives in the big city of London, is going well. One day, they talk about their future and Holly is shocked when Luiz tells her his secret: he’s the CEO of a big company and he isn’t interested in marriage. She wonders if Luiz thinks she only cares about money. Is that the reason he never told her who he really was? Two months after their breakup, Holly tells Luiz that she is pregnant… What is she to make of it when Luiz asks her to marry him?