Popular novel, first published in 1894. According to Wikipedia: "Sara Jeannette Duncan, (22 December 1861 22 July 1922), was a Canadian author and journalist… Sara Jeannette Duncan published 22 books, including two volumes of personal sketches and a collection of short stories. One of her most famous sayings is "One loses many laughs by not laughing at oneself." She was a very lively person and loved to laugh... Duncan is best known today for her 1904 novel The Imperialist.."
Popular novel, first published in 1894. According to Wikipedia: "Sara Jeannette Duncan, (22 December 1861 22 July 1922), was a Canadian author and journalist… Sara Jeannette Duncan published 22 books, including two volumes of personal sketches and a collection of short stories. One of her most famous sayings is "One loses many laughs by not laughing at oneself." She was a very lively person and loved to laugh... Duncan is best known today for her 1904 novel The Imperialist.."