Supernatural is the story of two brothers that spend their lives hunting demons and monsters. Thrown into the life by their father following the death of their mother. Season 1 shows Sam being pulled back into the life he thought he had escaped by his brother Dean following their father's disappearance. There are over 100 questions in this quiz book that covers the second half of season 1. So prepare to be tested on the Winchester's and their search for their father and the yellow eyed demon.
Supernatural is the story of two brothers that spend their lives hunting demons and monsters. Thrown into the life by their father following the death of their mother. Season 1 shows Sam being pulled back into the life he thought he had escaped by his brother Dean following their father's disappearance. There are over 100 questions in this quiz book that covers the second half of season 1. So prepare to be tested on the Winchester's and their search for their father and the yellow eyed demon.