Handfast. “May she ever imitate the holy women of former times, and may the Evil One have no share in her actions.” The nuptial blessing was droned monotonously in French by a stout rubicund priest, who wore soiled and crumpled vestments. The scene was strange and impressive. Upon a tawdry altar, in a small bare chapel, two candles flickered unsteadily. The gloomy place was utterly devoid of embellishment, with damp-stained, white-washed walls, a stone floor, dirty and uneven, and broken windows patched with paper
Handfast. “May she ever imitate the holy women of former times, and may the Evil One have no share in her actions.” The nuptial blessing was droned monotonously in French by a stout rubicund priest, who wore soiled and crumpled vestments. The scene was strange and impressive. Upon a tawdry altar, in a small bare chapel, two candles flickered unsteadily. The gloomy place was utterly devoid of embellishment, with damp-stained, white-washed walls, a stone floor, dirty and uneven, and broken windows patched with paper