A collection of three short stories: In the first story, four young Nigerians struggle to find purpose and direction. The story follows them through infancy to adulthood chronicling their challenges and achievements as they battle to survive 'IN THE TRENCHES' of a society that is harsh but not without hope. We get a little comical insight into the thoughts and lives of our little ones in the second story, things we take for granted daily. William and the others may only be kids but in the scheme of things they lend a lot of flavour to life. Discover these little miracles and enjoy the magic from 'TWO-TO-FIVE'. '“YES PLEASE.” (TALES FROM AN ỌNYỌ)', the third story, is a very brief narrative about the initial experiences of an Ọnyọ and his attempts to adapt to school tradition in Government College Umuahia as well as encounters with a variety of characters there. Each story reflects various aspects of our lives; the challenges that abound, the joys within and the hopes that keep us going.
A collection of three short stories: In the first story, four young Nigerians struggle to find purpose and direction. The story follows them through infancy to adulthood chronicling their challenges and achievements as they battle to survive 'IN THE TRENCHES' of a society that is harsh but not without hope. We get a little comical insight into the thoughts and lives of our little ones in the second story, things we take for granted daily. William and the others may only be kids but in the scheme of things they lend a lot of flavour to life. Discover these little miracles and enjoy the magic from 'TWO-TO-FIVE'. '“YES PLEASE.” (TALES FROM AN ỌNYỌ)', the third story, is a very brief narrative about the initial experiences of an Ọnyọ and his attempts to adapt to school tradition in Government College Umuahia as well as encounters with a variety of characters there. Each story reflects various aspects of our lives; the challenges that abound, the joys within and the hopes that keep us going.