Teen-aged duo, brother and sister Richard and Lorali, befriend a former Genie and embark on an adventure-filled ride full of elaborate wishes. But as they travel around the world and through time, danger follows along with them. Always lurking in the background are those willing to stop at nothing to get their hands on the secrets behind the unlimited wishes. Will Richard, Lorali and Shabaz be able to keep up their death-defying escapes and find meaning in their wishful journey? Or will they succumb to the temptations of just too many wishes?
Teen-aged duo, brother and sister Richard and Lorali, befriend a former Genie and embark on an adventure-filled ride full of elaborate wishes. But as they travel around the world and through time, danger follows along with them. Always lurking in the background are those willing to stop at nothing to get their hands on the secrets behind the unlimited wishes. Will Richard, Lorali and Shabaz be able to keep up their death-defying escapes and find meaning in their wishful journey? Or will they succumb to the temptations of just too many wishes?