Truth Alone Triumphs is a short tale of two brothers.The story unfolds on a Monday morning, with the good intention of one brother and the negligent action of the other. The story revolves around their good and negligent actions, causing a series of interesting and tragic events around the city and the world. This series of events creates heaven and hell around the city and for themselves.The series of events include the halt of a marriage, the cancellation of a million-dollar project, the occurrence of a couple of accidents, the journey of a beggar to become an entrepreneur, the change of emotions from hatred to love, saving a film-maker, saving a Miss World beauty, saving the beauty of nature and many more.
Truth Alone Triumphs is a short tale of two brothers.The story unfolds on a Monday morning, with the good intention of one brother and the negligent action of the other. The story revolves around their good and negligent actions, causing a series of interesting and tragic events around the city and the world. This series of events creates heaven and hell around the city and for themselves.The series of events include the halt of a marriage, the cancellation of a million-dollar project, the occurrence of a couple of accidents, the journey of a beggar to become an entrepreneur, the change of emotions from hatred to love, saving a film-maker, saving a Miss World beauty, saving the beauty of nature and many more.