This is an intriguing story about an aspiring dentist Peter and the roller-coaster drive experience he had in the hinterland, when he accompanied his father to assist the Amerindians. He experienced several encounters in the wilderness and Peter was always surrounded by his friends, Diego, Bell and Benjamin including the Commissioner, Matthew Longhorn, who later became the famous four. The most memorable is his love with Christine, and the short romance ensued between them. Peter found a great support from the Commissioner, which led him to become a wealthy man. Later, Peter took the opportunity to join the RAF to achieve his goal. Did Peter succeed in getting his diploma and married Christine? How Peter along with the Commissioner and his friends improved the life of the people in wilderness and financially helped to improve the status of the society moves the story ahead. This story is fascinating, where situation unfolds naturally and throws down the interesting human face that culminates into learning experience which is rather interesting and invigorating. Aimed at teenagers, this story is entertaining for adults and teenagers alike.
This is an intriguing story about an aspiring dentist Peter and the roller-coaster drive experience he had in the hinterland, when he accompanied his father to assist the Amerindians. He experienced several encounters in the wilderness and Peter was always surrounded by his friends, Diego, Bell and Benjamin including the Commissioner, Matthew Longhorn, who later became the famous four. The most memorable is his love with Christine, and the short romance ensued between them. Peter found a great support from the Commissioner, which led him to become a wealthy man. Later, Peter took the opportunity to join the RAF to achieve his goal. Did Peter succeed in getting his diploma and married Christine? How Peter along with the Commissioner and his friends improved the life of the people in wilderness and financially helped to improve the status of the society moves the story ahead. This story is fascinating, where situation unfolds naturally and throws down the interesting human face that culminates into learning experience which is rather interesting and invigorating. Aimed at teenagers, this story is entertaining for adults and teenagers alike.