"You wake up sleepy eyed and go to your sock drawer to find your favorite socks, only to find that one of them is missing. So you ask yourself; "Where do socks go?" But that sock is nowhere to be found. You ask your mother and father; "Where did my favorite sock go?" Well they didn't have a good answer until now. I believe that I have found out where they go and how they get to their destination. You might ask: "Why did I lose that beloved sock?" Like karma, it's 'SOCKMA' for those little things we do wrong in our lives. That sock will never find it's way back to you… But where does it go?"
"You wake up sleepy eyed and go to your sock drawer to find your favorite socks, only to find that one of them is missing. So you ask yourself; "Where do socks go?" But that sock is nowhere to be found. You ask your mother and father; "Where did my favorite sock go?" Well they didn't have a good answer until now. I believe that I have found out where they go and how they get to their destination. You might ask: "Why did I lose that beloved sock?" Like karma, it's 'SOCKMA' for those little things we do wrong in our lives. That sock will never find it's way back to you… But where does it go?"