Young Jonathan Spencer dreams of an idyllic island world, Zuralia, to which he feels strangely summoned. An old Dream Sender transports him to Zuralia, where he fends off mysterious attempts on his life. He falls in love with a princess, Llanya, and discovers he has world-creating powers. But he must learn to use his powers quickly if he is to save the world of dreams, and Earth itself, from the evil mistress of nightmare world...and her monstrous minion, the world-eater, Qog!
Young Jonathan Spencer dreams of an idyllic island world, Zuralia, to which he feels strangely summoned. An old Dream Sender transports him to Zuralia, where he fends off mysterious attempts on his life. He falls in love with a princess, Llanya, and discovers he has world-creating powers. But he must learn to use his powers quickly if he is to save the world of dreams, and Earth itself, from the evil mistress of nightmare world...and her monstrous minion, the world-eater, Qog!