Niranjan Mohanty(19532008,) is one of the Orissan poetic pilgrims, who does not belong to the so-called hubs of literary administration, politics and favouritism. He is not metro-bred; he grew up listening to the incessant silent cry of common birds and animals. The poet in Mohanty identifies himself with rain in Orissa . For him, the adult pattern disturbs the world and hence, he feels that he is still a child somewhere. He believes that everything in the world is characterised by an individuals dynamic, never static, identity.
Niranjan Mohanty(19532008,) is one of the Orissan poetic pilgrims, who does not belong to the so-called hubs of literary administration, politics and favouritism. He is not metro-bred; he grew up listening to the incessant silent cry of common birds and animals. The poet in Mohanty identifies himself with rain in Orissa . For him, the adult pattern disturbs the world and hence, he feels that he is still a child somewhere. He believes that everything in the world is characterised by an individuals dynamic, never static, identity.