Be Tension Free is a small, yet powerful book that will change you life. It talks your language, understands your tensions and gives you spiritual solutions that are lasting. Kinkar Vitthal Ramanuja takes us from negative fatalism to positive constructivity. He promotes yoga and meditation, prayer and spiritual attitude, as potent tools to shape our destiny. This book reveals the process by which we can balance worldly actions with spiritual practice-achieving success in both. If you really want to overcome your tensions, this book is a must.
Be Tension Free is a small, yet powerful book that will change you life. It talks your language, understands your tensions and gives you spiritual solutions that are lasting. Kinkar Vitthal Ramanuja takes us from negative fatalism to positive constructivity. He promotes yoga and meditation, prayer and spiritual attitude, as potent tools to shape our destiny. This book reveals the process by which we can balance worldly actions with spiritual practice-achieving success in both. If you really want to overcome your tensions, this book is a must.