This inspiring story introduces Ron, an average guy, who is increasingly disturbed by socialmedia updates from his peers and feels he is not doing as well in his own life. He feels stuckin his day-to-day routine and is struggling to accept if that is all life had to offer, after all thehard work that he put in over the years to establish himself. Although his life is comfortable,he feels something is missing within the entire scheme of things. One day, through a ‘magicalmeeting’, he is introduced to the step-by-step approach to finding one’s answers. Ronembarks on this journey, becomes his best self and in the process, discovers his life purpose,a sense of passion and ever-lasting contentment.The book offers those key concepts from the science of achievement and personaldevelopment that can have maximum impact on your life. In addition, simple exercises havebeen provided, each of which can be integrated into your busy day-to-day lives. If you arenew to self-help and personal development, this book will provide you with most of what youneed to become your best self and continue pushing further. If you are already a self-helpenthusiast, this book will serve as a quick reminder of the core principles and high-impactexercises.
This inspiring story introduces Ron, an average guy, who is increasingly disturbed by socialmedia updates from his peers and feels he is not doing as well in his own life. He feels stuckin his day-to-day routine and is struggling to accept if that is all life had to offer, after all thehard work that he put in over the years to establish himself. Although his life is comfortable,he feels something is missing within the entire scheme of things. One day, through a ‘magicalmeeting’, he is introduced to the step-by-step approach to finding one’s answers. Ronembarks on this journey, becomes his best self and in the process, discovers his life purpose,a sense of passion and ever-lasting contentment.The book offers those key concepts from the science of achievement and personaldevelopment that can have maximum impact on your life. In addition, simple exercises havebeen provided, each of which can be integrated into your busy day-to-day lives. If you arenew to self-help and personal development, this book will provide you with most of what youneed to become your best self and continue pushing further. If you are already a self-helpenthusiast, this book will serve as a quick reminder of the core principles and high-impactexercises.