Alternative Holistic Medicine category: 2492 books

Cover of Integrative Rheumatology
by Randy Horwitz, M.D., Daniel Muller
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2010

Integrative Rheumatology offers a new and much-needed perspective in disease and symptom management, blending conventional medicine with alternative approaches not typically included in a Western medical practice. While conventional treatments can provide considerable symptomatic relief and can even...
Cover of Regulatory and Pharmacological Basis of Ayurvedic Formulations
by Amritpal Singh
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2017

Regulatory affairs and pharmacological drug safety issues of Ayurvedic medicine has been overlooked by practitioners for many years. Research in Ayurveda is now a world-wide phenomenon, and several large pharmaceutical corporations are investing money for novel drug discovery from Ayurvedic sources....
Cover of Chinese and Botanical Medicines

Chinese and Botanical Medicines

Traditional Uses and Modern Scientific Approaches

by Raymond Cooper, Chun-Tao Che, Daniel Kam-Wah Mok
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2017

Chinese and Botanical Medicines: Traditional Uses and Modern Scientific Approaches is a classroom-tested book that contains a balance of chemistry, the history of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and the theory and practice of a modern TCM practitioner. This distinct book reviews the scientific...
Cover of Mainstreaming Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2017

Stepping back from the immediate demands of policy-making, Mainstreaming Complementary and Alternative Medicine allows a complex and informative picture to emerge of the different social forces at play in the integration of CAM with orthodox medicine. Complementing books that focus solely on practice,...
Cover of REDUCING YOUR CANCER RISK (A Holistic Approach)
by Carl O. Helvie, R.N., Dr.P.H.
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2017

The latest statistics show one of every two adults will have cancer and about half of these are preventable. For example, research shows that 30 minutes of exercise daily could reduce cancer risk by 50% and proper nutrition could reduce it 35%. Mental/Spiritual aspects are also important. One study...
Cover of Chinese Medical Gynaecology

Chinese Medical Gynaecology

A Self-Help Guide to Women's Health

by Eddie Dowd
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2017

Many of the issues that relate to women's health from period pain to infertility, can be self-treated with Chinese medicine approaches, and this clear and practical guide explains how to assess symptoms and choose the most effective form of treatment. Written for women interested in taking a more...
Cover of Therapy of Social Medicine
by Byong-Hyon Han
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2015

This book introduces novel and groundbreaking theories on social medicine, social medicine therapy and pharmacogelotology. Aimed at improving the global health care system in terms of cost-effectiveness and efficiency, the research included in this book represents a paradigm shift from traditional...
Cover of Lost and Found

Lost and Found

Breaking the Chains of Autism, ADHD, Learning & Behavioural Problems

by Julie van Eps
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2012

Helping those with autistic conditions. Medicine tells us there is no answer.   However the great news is, there is now hope for children with Autism, ADHD, ADD and learning difficulties.  Simple and natural methods that have been proven to work, that actually gets to the...
by Zen Dope
Language: English
Release Date: May 29, 2015

Penny Ante spent twenty years of research into why she and the people in her life were always sick.  Modern Western Medicine Paradigms had failed her one too many times. She came to the conclusion that we all live in an increasingly toxic world since the turn of the last century.  With this toxicity...
Cover of Guérir la hernie inguinale sans chirurgie
by Sylvain St-Louis
Language: French
Release Date: April 20, 2016

Selon les statistiques, la hernie inguinale affectera un homme sur quatre au cours de sa vie. Pathologie inesthétique, inconfortable et très invalidante, les médecins recommandent généralement la chirurgie comme seul traitement possible. Or, cette opération mineure et efficace dans la plupart...
Cover of Difendersi dall'elettrosmog

Difendersi dall'elettrosmog

Siamo circondati da cellulari, cordless, wifi, bluetooth, forni a microonde. Quali sono i rischi reali per la salute e come difendersi dall'elettrosmog?

by Claudia Benatti
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 24, 2014

Sugli effetti che le microonde hanno sulla salute si discute da anni e gli studi indipendenti non sono per nulla rassicuranti: sono sempre più numerosi i ricercatori che sottolineano il loro impatto negativo a livello cellulare e che invitano a usare con maggior criterio le tecnologie wireless. Difendersi...
Cover of L'intossicazione da metalli pesanti: Trattamento naturopatico con ZEOLITE CLINOPTILOLITE
by Loretta Duria
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 20, 2015

L’intossicazione da metalli pesanti, il trattamento naturopatico con la zeolite clinoptilolite.In questo libro si analizzano tutti i metalli tossici o potenzialmente tali, come si possono individuare, se agiscono da soli o amalgamati ad altre sostanze nocive. Parlare di elementi inquinanti e del...
Cover of L'accompagnamento del paziente oncologico

L'accompagnamento del paziente oncologico

Il ruolo del medicinale omeopatico

by Jean-Philippe Wagner, Michele Boiron, François Roux
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 16, 2015

I trattamenti antitumorali comportano numerosi effetti collaterali e i pazienti si rivolgono sempre più alle terapie di supporto per migliorare la propria qualità di vita. L’omeopatia figura al primo posto tra le medicine complementari utilizzate. Poter consigliare o prescrivere un trattamento...
Cover of Medicina umanistica

Medicina umanistica

Autorealizzazione, salute ed evoluzione attraverso la floriterapia di Bach. Guida ai principi, alla metodologia e alla clinica

by Paolo Montenero, Michele Iannelli
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 6, 2013

Edward Bach fu un medico gallese, antesignano dei moderni concetti di salutogenesi, di “empowerment”, di auto guarigione e della necessità di utilizzare la vita e la malattia come un’occasione di espansione della consapevolezza. Tutta la sua esistenza e la sua ricerca testimoniano la straordinaria...
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