Japan category: 1648 books

Cover of 東京無料100
by 呂宛霖.墨刻編輯部
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 16, 2017

◎全書介紹東京23區之內的100個免費景點。除了免費之外,內容絕對值得讓人特地安排時間前往! ◎特別企劃,針對美食提供CP值超高的選擇。 ◎小編推薦6種特殊玩法,讓你玩得開心也省荷包。 可別以為免費就沒好貨!搜集東京都內100個超值免費景點,嚴選超高CP值、絕對值得一訪的優質免費景點,獻給精打細算的你!全新玩法,遊玩景點不花錢,就把省下來的通通拿去買東西吧! ◎工廠見學不用錢,還讓你有吃又有抓~ Suntory武藏野啤酒工廠、マヨテラス、澤乃井酒蔵見学 ◎免費體驗搭乘小舟,還可以親自體驗搖櫓的樂趣! 和船乘船體驗:十間川親水公園 ◎靜化身心靈,免費體驗座禪、阿字觀! 高野山東京別院:阿字觀 香林院:座禪 ◎東京高空美景免費欣賞,還不用人擠人! 東京都庁展望台、タワーホール船堀、文京シビックセンター、Carrot...
Cover of 東京近郊攻略完全制霸
by 黃雨柔、周麗淑、墨刻編輯部
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 20, 2017

包山包海包準驚豔!網友一致公認最實用、最有安全感的MOOK完全制霸系列 ◆ 搜集超過1,000個景點與店家本書集結各地區知名且必訪的各區特色景點,無論是篇幅、景點數或完整度都是物超所值。◆ 東京近郊交通一點靈從機場入境到東京都心,想再到近郊各地區該搭哪種交通工具?地鐵、火車或巴士讓你霧剎剎?這本書為你解決煩惱的交通問題。◆...
Cover of 出發!東京自助旅行:一看就懂 旅遊圖解Step by Step
by 墨刻編輯部
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 20, 2017

第一次出國?沒去過東京?別擔心,本書循序漸進,從出國前的準備到當地的交通方式一一介紹,帶讀者認識交通方式,介紹熱門景點,破解旅途中的各式疑問。 ★東京、新宿…迷宮般的龐大車站總是讓人害怕,本書特別詳細解說東京主要大站的實用資訊,告訴你置物櫃哪裡找、月台往哪裡、周邊車站可轉乘路線,甚至連車站內部與周邊的景點都報你知,讓你玩得更省力。 ★機場進入市區、市區內的交通手段,JR、地下鐵、私鐵、巴士一一解說,當然也不能忘了各家交通票券,詳細介紹票券內容優缺,新手最怕的交通問題通通解決。 ★從登機、入境到搭電車、買車票、使用置物櫃,搞不懂的操作步驟讓人心慌,書中詳細解說以外,還搭配Step...
Cover of 關西親子遊:大阪、京都、神戶、奈良,大手牽小手,零經驗也能輕鬆上手自助行
Cover of 開始到日本開車自助旅行
by 酒雄
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 13, 2017

林氏璧、小氣少年,重量級推薦! 知名旅日自駕狂人酒雄親自傳授,專為駕車族服務的台灣第一本旅日開車寶典,帶你去自駕獨享的祕境美景,日本愛玩客絕對要擁有!   本書特色 ■達人精選祕境行程再優化,Day...
Cover of 日本點餐完全圖解:看懂菜單╳順利點餐╳正確吃法,不會日文也能前進燒肉、拉麵、壽司、居酒屋10大類餐廳食堂【暢銷修訂版】
Cover of 黑孩兒



by 還珠樓主
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 18, 2014

Cover of Viaje al Japón
by Rudyard Kipling, Emili Olcina i Aya, Eduardo Suárez Alonso
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 12, 2011

El texto de Kipling sobre el Japón, una joya de la escritura turística, de una amenidad extraordinaria, mantiene una actualidad pasmosa gracias a la casualidad que hizo de Kipling uno de los poquísimos grandes escritores occidentales que pudieron contemplar y describir el Japón moderno en los...
Cover of Martial Arts Studies

Martial Arts Studies

Disrupting Disciplinary Boundaries

by Paul Bowman, Professor of Cultural Studies at Cardiff University, UK
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2015

The phrase “martial arts studies” is increasingly circulating as a term to describe a new field of interest. But many academic fields including history, philosophy, anthropology, and Area studies already engage with martial arts in their own particular way. Therefore, is there really such a thing...
Cover of A Chinese Physician

A Chinese Physician

Wang Ji and the Stone Mountain Medical Case Histories

by Joanna Grant
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2003

A Chinese Physician is the portrait of a 16th century medical writer and clinical practitioner. Drawing on socio-economic/biographic, textual, and gender analysis along side a variety of sources, from hagiographical biographies to medical case histories, the book tells three very different but complementary...
Cover of Hiking, Walking and Biking Nagano: 16 Tours in Karuizawa and Environs
by Peter Ninnes
Language: English
Release Date: October 11, 2013

Lush forests, soaring mountains, a unique history mixing East and West, plus outlet shopping and golf courses galore: Karuizawa has something for everyone. The town is tucked into the easternmost part of Nagano Prefecture, in the middle of the main Japanese island of Honshu. Only one hour from Tokyo,...
Cover of Moon Tokyo Walks

Moon Tokyo Walks

See the City Like a Local

by Moon Travel Guides
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2020

Experience Tokyo like a local: on foot! Stroll through the city and soak up its infectious energy, futuristic charm, and centuries of Japanese art and culture with Moon Tokyo Walks. Walk through the city's coolest neighborhoods, including Shibuya, Harajuku, Shinjuku, Ginza, and more, with color-coded...
Cover of 101 Facts Or Fiction - Aokigahara - Legalizing Suicide?
by Ricardo Furtado
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2018

Aokigahara is also known as 'The Suicide Forest', as over the years, an untold number of people have come here – to commit suicide. Today, Aokigahara has become one of the 'Top Suicide Destinations' in the world. Yes, people from all over the world come here – just to commit suicide.
Cover of Vivre le Japon

Vivre le Japon

Le guide pratique de la vie au Japon - 2e édition

by Risa Iwamoto, Jean-Paul Porret
Language: French
Release Date: February 15, 2017

ditLaissez-vous guider au cœur du Japon ! Vivre le Japon donne toutes les clés du quotidien, depuis le logement jusqu'au mariage, en passant par le travail et l'éducation, les visas, les études, etc. Mais l'exploration de l'archipel ne s'arrête pas là, grâce au partage d'expériences,...
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