Java category: 840 books

Cover of Lập trình hướng đối tượng với Java

Lập trình hướng đối tượng với Java

Hướng dẫn tự học lập trình Java

by Thanh Tran
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2019

Lập trình hướng đối tựợng là phương pháp lập trình phổ biến hiện nay. Bài giảng “Lập trình hướng đối tượng với Java” là môn học cung cấp cho sinh viên ngành Công nghệ thông tin nhưng kiến thức cơ bản...
Cover of Hands-On Spring Security 5 for Reactive Applications

Hands-On Spring Security 5 for Reactive Applications

Learn effective ways to secure your applications with Spring and Spring WebFlux

by Tomcy John
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2018

Secure your Java applications by integrating the Spring Security framework in your code Key Features Provide authentication, authorization and other security features for Java applications. Learn how to secure microservices, cloud, and serverless applications easily Understand the code behind...
Cover of Java 9

Java 9

Einführung in das Modulsystem und die Migration

by Alexandru Jecan
Language: German
Release Date: June 22, 2017

Zwei mal drei macht vier, widewidewitt und drei macht neune: Selbst Pippi Langstrumpf konnte die Zeit bis zur "Neun" damals nicht abwarten. Genauso wartet aktuell die gesamte Community gespannt auf das endgültige Release von Java 9. Nach zahlreichen Verschiebungen soll es nun im September 2017 soweit...
Cover of Java EE 7

Java EE 7

Ein Ausblick

by Jens Schumann, Thilo Frotscher, Bernhard Löwenstein
Language: German
Release Date: March 30, 2013

Hätte man noch vor wenigen Monaten einen Ausblick auf Java EE 7 gegeben, wären Buzz Words wie Multi-Tenancy und Cloud-Support die Aufhänger des Schwerpunkts gewesen. Mittlerweile ist die JSR 342 Expert Group allerdings ein wenig zurückgerudert und hat sich deutlich realistischere Ziele gesteckt....
Cover of Java 7

Java 7

Fork-Join-Framework und Phaser

by Angelika Langer, Klaus Kreft
Language: German
Release Date: September 15, 2012

Im zweiten Band des Java-7-shortcuts von Angelika Langer und Klaus Kreft werden weitere wichtige Neuerungen vorgestellt und erläutert. Die beiden Java-Experten konzentrieren sich dabei in den ersten Kapiteln auf das Fork-Join-Framework, einen Teil des JSR 166y. Es geht um das Design des Frameworks,...
Cover of Desbravando Java e Orientação a Objetos

Desbravando Java e Orientação a Objetos

Um guia para o iniciante da linguagem

by Rodrigo Turini
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 21, 2014

Aprenda Orientação a Objetos com Java de forma simples e efetiva! Você compilará e executará seu próprio programa em algumas horas. Por que Java? Essa é uma das linguagens de programação mais utilizadas em todo o mundo, com 20 anos e atualmente mais de 9 milhões de desenvolvedores. O livro...
Cover of Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0
by Richard Monson-Haefel, Bill Burke
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2006

If you're up on the latest Java technologies, then you know that Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.0 is the hottest news in Java this year. In fact, EJB 3.0 is being hailed as the new standard of server-side business logic programming. And O'Reilly's award-winning book on EJB has been refreshed just in...
Cover of RESTful Java with JAX-RS 2.0

RESTful Java with JAX-RS 2.0

Designing and Developing Distributed Web Services

by Bill Burke
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2013

Learn how to design and develop distributed web services in Java, using RESTful architectural principles and the JAX-RS 2.0 specification in Java EE 7. By focusing on implementation rather than theory, this hands-on reference demonstrates how easy it is to get started with services based on the REST...
Cover of Java Message Service

Java Message Service

Creating Distributed Enterprise Applications

by Mark Richards, Richard Monson-Haefel, David A Chappell
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2009

Java Message Service, Second Edition, is a thorough introduction to the standard API that supports "messaging" -- the software-to-software exchange of crucial data among network computers. You'll learn how JMS can help you solve many architectural challenges, such as integrating dissimilar...
Cover of Java EE 7 Performance Tuning and Optimization
by Osama Oransa
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2014

The book adopts a step-by-step approach, starting from building the basics and adding to it gradually by using different tools and examples. The book sequence is easy to follow and all topics are fully illustrated showing you how to make good use of different performance diagnostic tools. If you are...
Cover of Java RMI

Java RMI

Designing & Building Distributed Applications

by William Grosso
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2001

Java RMI contains a wealth of experience in designing and implementing Java's Remote Method Invocation. If you're a novice reader, you will quickly be brought up to speed on why RMI is such a powerful yet easy to use tool for distributed programming, while experts can gain valuable experience for...
Cover of Java 8 Programmer II Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-809
by Esteban Herrera
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2016

This is the e-book version of my online Java 8 Programmer II Study Guide. The exam for the  Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 8 Programmer certification is hard. New APIs, lambdas, and streams, it covers a lot. But this book can help you. This book has complete coverage of the...
Cover of Beginning EJB 3

Beginning EJB 3

Java EE 7 Edition

by Jonathan Wetherbee, Raghu Kodali, Chirag Rathod
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2013

Develop powerful, standards-based, back-end business logic with Beginning EJB 3, Java EE 7 Edition. Led by an author team with 20 years of combined Enterprise JavaBeans experience, you'll learn how to use the new EJB 3.2 APIs. You'll gain the knowledge and skills you’ll need to create the complex...
Cover of Just Spring

Just Spring

A Lightweight Introduction to the Spring Framework

by Madhusudhan Konda
Language: English
Release Date: July 22, 2011

Get a concise introduction to Spring, the popular open source framework for building lightweight enterprise applications on the Java platform. This example-driven book for Java developers delves into the framework’s basic features, as well as complex concepts such as containers. You’ll learn how...
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