Stress Management category: 1697 books

Cover of Take it Easy: A Guide to Creating a 'Stress-Less' Life
by Yossarian Fay
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2016

In this busy interconnected and wired-up world stress seems to be a natural part of daily life. Right? Wrong! Life doesn't have to be a rush. What if you could take it easy and create a 'stress-less' life for yourself? With my simple tools and ideas you can discover simple ways to reduce your stress...
Cover of 365 Ways to Beat Stress

365 Ways to Beat Stress

How to Relax & Find Perfect Calm

by Adam Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2019

No other book offers so many easy-to-use and diverse stress-relief techniques in a uniquely attractive gift package. With a different technique or tip for each day of the year, no other book offers such a wide range of ways to release stress and anxiety, all set in an attractive illustrated...
Cover of Be free of Anxiety and Stress
by Maria Chan
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2015

Stress is a very dangerous and debilitating condition - over time, with too much stress and anxiety, you can put your health at risk and this is never a good thing. Because everything we do is an emotional challenge, it's very easy to become stressed out especially when you are having "one...
Cover of Stress Soothers
by Anonymous
Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2014

Free Your Mind And Achieve Peace Discover How To Live In Peace And Harmony In A World Full Of Uncertainty And Dramatically Improve Your Quality Of Life Today! Finally You Can Fully Equip Yourself With These “Must Have” Tools For Achieving Peace And Calmness And Live A Life Of Comfort...
Cover of Stress-Proof Your Teen

Stress-Proof Your Teen

Helping Your Teen Manage Stress and Build Healthy Habits

by Heath Dingwell
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2011

A practical guide to helping your teen tackle the tough issues and giving them the tools for success. Drinking. Being popular. Making good grades. Being thin and fit. Today's teens are constantly bombarded with issues from their classmates, friends, and the media. Trying to handle everything...
Cover of Stress Busters: Easy to Use Outdoor Techniques
by Dueep Jyot Singh
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2016

Table of Contents Introduction Laughter as an Exercise Walking Exploring outside and adventuring Proper Way to Walk Cure for Loneliness Walking for Healing Walking for Your Back Walking to Cure Injured Muscles Benefits of Walking Walking and Acupressure Walking for Weight Loss Conclusion Author...
Cover of Charming Girls: Adult Coloring Book (Stress-Relaxing Series) : 40 Awesome, Beautiful Elegant Hair Patterns of Charming Girls Designs to Color
by Jessie Sue Rose
Language: English
Release Date: August 11, 2016

We have provided you a download link at the end of the Ebook for you to print out the designs as many times as you want! You can print it on large 8.5x11 high quality paper.Coloring books for adults have becoming the latest trend and best stress reducing activities. It has also been shown to...
Cover of Krankmacher Stress

Krankmacher Stress

Welche Spuren hinterlässt die psychische Belastung in unserem Körper?

by Nadja Podbregar
Language: German
Release Date: August 4, 2016

Stress gehört für die meisten von uns längst zum Alltag. Zeitdruck, zu viel Arbeit oder Ärger in der Beziehung sorgen dafür, dass unsere körpereigene Stressmaschinerie oft auf Hochtouren läuft. Welche Folgen aber hat das für unsere Gesundheit? Und was genau macht der Stress mit unserem Körper?...
Cover of Stress da lavoro? No grazie! Applica le Tecniche di Meditazione Orientale per Risolvere i Conflitti sul Lavoro e Vivere in Armonia. (Ebook Italiano - Anteprima Gratis)
by Stefano Bresciani
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2014

Programma di Stress da Lavoro? No, Grazie! Applica le Tecniche di Meditazione Orientale per Risolvere i Conflitti sul Lavoro e Vivere in Armonia COME SCOPRIRE IL MIGLIOR METODO ANTISTRESS Scopri come iniziare il tuo percorso antistress. I benefici psicofisici della meditazione: come metterli...
Cover of Mein Anti-Stress-Vertrag

Mein Anti-Stress-Vertrag

Der Weg zu mehr Gelassenheit und Lebensfreude

by Thomas Prünte
Language: German
Release Date: July 19, 2013

Nur kein Stress bei Stress! In einem Streit gelassen bleiben, in schwierigen Situationen den Überblick behalten, die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen und für das eigene Wohlbefinden sorgen: Nicht immer einfach, aber leicht zu lernen. Mit viel Humor und alltagstauglichen Tipps und Tricks zeigt Thomas...
Cover of 輕鬆駕馭壓力:史丹佛大學最受歡迎的心理成長課


The Upside of Stress: Why Stress Is Good for You, and How to Get Good at It

by 凱莉‧麥高尼格, Kelly McGonigal
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 1, 2016

壓力能帶來正面能量?科學實證:這是真的! 重點不是擺脫壓力,而是你對待壓力的態度,本書教你如何借力使力,成就更強大的自己。 ★全球熱賣1,500,000本,《輕鬆駕馭意志力》史丹佛人氣心理學家最新著作。 ★TED千萬人次點閱率,〈如何讓壓力成為你的朋友〉演講之深度專書。   你以為的常識即將崩壞:壓力對你沒有這麼不好! 本書根據最新的科學實證,揭開「超越困難,就會更強大」的重大祕密!只有把壓力看做壞東西的時候,壓力才會對你有害。 史丹佛最受歡迎心理學家暨最高榮譽教學獎得主凱莉‧麥高尼格,全面顛覆你對壓力的想像,探討心理韌性(在壓力中成長)與思維模式(面對現實的正念能量)的連結,帶領讀者看見壓力的光明面、如何善加利用壓力帶來的好處,以及壓力可以激發同理心,讓我們成為更好的人。重點是,你如何看待壓力,將決定你人生的精采度。 只要改變對壓力的態度,結果就會跟著改變: ▍如何改善工作帶來的倦怠感? A:請想想你的工作對公司或社會有何貢獻?重新定位你認定的工作意義,試著產生認同感,保護你不陷入工作倦怠之中。 ▍壓力能進化身體能量? A:關鍵在於你如何看待壓力,將壓力視為威脅會讓血管收縮,身體增強發炎反應,感到恐懼憤怒;若是以迎接挑戰的心態,身體會安心地擴大血液流量,以提供最大的能量,感到興奮、熱忱、充滿信心。 ▍考試、演講、簡報之前心跳加速是好現象? A:緊張感其實是「你正準備大展拳腳」的證據,與其讓自己冷靜,不如透過深呼吸去感受身體的滿滿能量,能夠將焦慮將轉為力量,發揮最佳表現。 ▍如何面對生病、手術、化療、等待檢驗結果的壓力? A:請想像此刻有許多人同樣承受著痛苦或壓力,讓自己對那些人產生同理心,充分理解他們的感受,藉此提醒自己不是孤軍奮戰。 ▍失去親人、感到孤立無援和龐大壓力時,該怎麼辦? A:請允許自己「既勇敢又脆弱」,主動踏出第一步,以自身的痛苦做為連結點,將關注的焦點轉到別人身上,能得到更多支持的力量。   【各界推薦】 心理諮商師 許皓宜、超馬選手 陳彥博 多年來,我一直以「有壓力,更有勁」等相關議題發表公開演說,希望改變大眾對壓力的看法。當我受邀為本書寫序,才看兩頁就覺得:「Yes!這才是正確看待壓力的態度!」壓力不一定會提高死亡風險,只有以「負面心態」面對壓力才會。光想著逃避壓力是不切實際的,壓力並不會因為你選擇逃避而減少,從某個層面來看,舒壓或減壓效果也不大。管理壓力的最佳方法並不是盡可能減輕或避免壓力,而是重新思考壓力的作用,甚至積極擁抱壓力。 ──精神科醫師 林耕新 如果你可以站在更高、更寬廣的視野來看待壓力,了解壓力其實是成長進步的動力,了解焦慮其實是身體正在給予自己更多的能量,了解當緊張感出現只是表示自己很在乎這件事情,那麼我們就有機會採取比較好的方式來回應種種壓力。若視為威脅將會導致對立、抵禦、防衛或攻擊,若視為挑戰將帶來合作、興奮、期待與成長。可見思維模式的影響無影無形,卻也無所不在,確實非常需要,也值得花時間來自我審視。 ──華人正念減壓中心創辦人 胡君梅 「只有爆炸性的壓力,才有爆炸性的進步。」這句話是我從小的座右銘,總是在我面臨巨大的壓力和挑戰時,給我強大、堅韌的力量。有很多人對壓力抱持負面的觀點,我卻認為壓力是我挺進的動力,而這本書正是揭開了我多年來的疑惑。原來,壓力本身可以是正面,也可以是負面,一切取決於你「看待壓力的觀點」。這本書教導我們如何改變思維模式來看待壓力,如何與生命意義產生連結,進而質變壓力成為我們成長的動力。我相信這本書可以為無數讀者帶來生命的正向改變,我願意推薦給大家。 ──律師/作家 許峰源 我們一生中一定會因為遭逢若干事件而承受巨大壓力,例如配偶死亡、離婚、親人死亡、結婚、被開除、退休、懷孕等。如果我們逃避這些壓力,將會製造更多壓力來源,而且也將耗盡原本支持你的種種資源,作者教我們一個觀念──只有當你認為壓力有害時,壓力才會對你真正有害。本書告訴我們透過思考自身的價值觀,改變對生活壓力的看法,這就是解方。 ──醫師 楊斯棓 本書傳達一個重要的事實:與其一味逃避壓力,不如積極尋求壓力背後的意義。本書提出的觀點能幫助你提起勇氣去追尋人生最重要的事物,並相信自己能應付隨之而來的壓力。 ──美國矽谷盧比肯顧問公司創辦人暨執行長 妮羅芙‧莫茜 作者揭露許多頂尖人物和優秀組織(例如我的海豹部隊弟兄們)如何成功突破困境。在艱困的環境下,唯有以正面的心態擁抱各種挑戰,才能達到不凡的成就。 ──前美國海軍海豹部隊成員暨海軍軍官 史考特‧布拉爾 本書的一大特點在於作者不只指出我們過去對壓力的錯誤認知,還提出正確的見解,讓你的人生變得更好。這是一本易讀的使用者指南,援引心理學和神經科學最先進的研究成果,幫助你提升身心健康。 ──美國加州大學洛杉磯分校社會認知神經科學實驗室主任 馬修‧利柏曼博士 其實壓力是人生不可或缺的成分,發現這個秘密後,任何人都能大幅提升自信,組織團體也會快速成長。 ──知識投資合夥公司董事長 羅伯特‧道赫第 作者打破關於壓力數十年來的迷思,這是一本以科學研究為基礎的實用好書,說服力十足,從第一頁起便見解不凡。本書的重要概念將改變無數人的生命。 ──卓越表現培訓學院共同創辦人 吉姆‧洛爾教育博士   【作者簡介】 凱莉‧麥高尼格 Kelly...
Cover of Stop au stress au travail
by Géraldine de Radiguès, 50 minutes
Language: French
Release Date: September 10, 2015

Puisque le stress s’immisce parfois sournoisement dans notre quotidien, tant professionnel que personnel, il est impératif d'apprendre à lui faire face. Nos réactions à chaud varient en fonction de notre personnalité, de notre vécu et de nos ressentis, c’est pourquoi nous sommes tous appelés...
Cover of Overachievement


The Science of Working Less to Accomplish More

by John Eliot PhD
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2015

Were you ever advised to "just relax" before making a big speech? Don’t. From Texas A&M professor and celebrity advisor, Dr. John Eliot, this insightful guide takes a sledgehammer to what most of us think we know about doing our best. Eliot explains how mainstream psychology...
Cover of Stopping Stress before It Stops You

Stopping Stress before It Stops You

A Game Plan for Every Mom

by Dr. Kevin Leman
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2011

Dr. Kevin Leman has seen scores of women who are overcome by stress. With humor, insight, and practical solutions, this bestselling author helps women manage the stress points in their lives: kids, career, husband, housework, money, and crammed schedules. Women will find out how to begin enjoying a more serene lifestyle by making stress work for them.
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