Adele: 392 books

Book cover of My Risky Business

My Risky Business

Sieben verführerische Nächte

by Adele Mann
Language: German
Release Date: January 4, 2018

Liebe ist immer ein riskantes Geschäft: Michael Stoke, ein erfolgreicher New Yorker Geschäftsmann, ist die einzige Chance für Madison Beaufort, ihr Familienunternehmen zu retten. Doch als der charismatische und attraktive Michael ihr deshalb ein unmoralisches Angebot macht, verfängt Madison sich...
Book cover of Researching for the Media

Researching for the Media

Television, Radio and Journalism

by Adele Emm
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2014

Researching for the Media: Television, Radio and Journalism is an essential guide to researching for the media industry. It explains the role of the researcher and journalist within radio, television and journalism exploring key areas of what to expect in the job. Researching for the Media:...
Book cover of Fun with the Family Florida

Fun with the Family Florida

Hundreds of Ideas for Day Trips with the Kids

by Stephen Morrill, Adele Del Woodyard
Language: English
Release Date: November 24, 2009

Fun with the Family Florida leads the way to historical attractions, children's museums, festivals, parks, and much more.
Book cover of Tracing Your Trade & Craftsman Ancestors

Tracing Your Trade & Craftsman Ancestors

A Guide for Family Historians

by Adele Emm
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2015

Almost all of us have a tradesman or craftsman – a butcher, baker or candlestick maker – somewhere in our ancestry, and Adèle Emm's handbook is the perfect guide to finding out about them – about their lives, their work and the world they lived in. She introduces the many trades and crafts,...
Book cover of Deux maris sinon rien
by Adele Parks
Language: French
Release Date: June 6, 2007

Il y a dix ans, Bella s’est secrètement mariée avec Steve, son amour d’enfance, avant de le quitter. La jeune femme a toujours gardé ce mariage secret et, lorsqu’elle rencontre Philippe, un homme charmant, attentionné et drôle, elle ne peut pas résister. « Oubliant » qu’elle est encore...
Book cover of Amours et tentations
by Adele Parks
Language: French
Release Date: March 11, 2009

A l'université, ils formaient une bande d'amis inséparables, profitant de l'insouciance de leur jeunesse. D’amours pétillantes en amitiés éternelles, de folles soirées en examens, ils étaient promis à un avenir radieux... Douze ans plus tard, ils mènent une vie aisée et sereine. Et ils...
Book cover of Paesaggi Culturali / Cultural Landscapes

Paesaggi Culturali / Cultural Landscapes

Rappresentazioni esperienze prospettive

by Amadeo Bellini, Augustin Berque, Renato Bocchi
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 3, 2016

Il tema dei paesaggi culturali, dibattuto da tempo nei paesi anglosassoni e in Europa, si pone da non molti anni anche all'attenzione della società italiana; provvisto di sfaccettature molteplici e differenti, si offre come punto di equilibrio tra la necessità di un ambiente a misura d'uomo, la...
Book cover of Storia di Macchia Albanese
by Adele e Vincenzo Sammarro
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 18, 2014

Macchia Albanese è un antico borgo che sorge tra le sinuose e dolci colline, e gli argentei oliveti, a sud del Pollino. A caratterizzarne la storia un susseguirsi di vicende che vanno dal 1400 circa, come il grande esodo delle comunità albanesi che si trasferirono nel Mezzogiorno di Italia, ex regno...
Book cover of I Papi della Memoria

I Papi della Memoria

La storia di alcuni grandi Pontefici che hanno segnato il cammino della Chiesa e dell’Umanità

by Giulia Adorni, Simonetta Antellini, Luca Balducci
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 3, 2016

Con grande ed intensa emozione, il Centro Europeo per il Turismo presenta quest’anno la mostra “I Papi della Memoria. La storia di alcuni grandi Pontefici che hanno segnato il cammino della Chiesa e dell’Umanità”. Curata da Mario Lolli Ghetti e realizzata in collaborazione con il Polo Museale...
Book cover of Skyfall Sheet Music
by Adele
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2012

(Piano Vocal). This sheet music features an arrangement for piano and voice with guitar chord frames, with the melody presented in the right hand of the piano part as well as in the vocal line.
Book cover of Rolling in the Deep

Rolling in the Deep

Easy Piano

by Adele
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2011

(Easy Piano). Easy piano sheet music.
Book cover of Hello Sheet Music

Hello Sheet Music

Digital Audio Backing Track Included!

by Adele
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2015

(Piano Vocal). This sheet music features an arrangement for piano and voice with guitar chord frames, with the melody presented in the right hand of the piano part as well as in the vocal line. This sheet also includes online access to professionally-recorded backing tracks so you can play-along with a band!
Book cover of Send My Love (To Your New Lover)
by Adele
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2016

(Piano Vocal). This sheet music features an arrangement for piano and voice with guitar chord frames, with the melody presented in the right hand of the piano part as well as in the vocal line.
Book cover of Graceful Bull
by Adele Joseph
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2016

We begin in the current day, 2010, explaining a much-needed one-week trip abroad to Paris, one of Angelinas favorite cities in the world, to rejuvenate her mind, body, and soul, both professionally and personally. As she has just resigned from a very good position due to immoral and unacceptable behavior...
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