Albert Ellis: 26 books

Book cover of Anger: How to Live with and without It
by Albert Ellis
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2017

With a New Foreword by Raymond A. DiGiuseppe, Ph.D. CLASSIC SELF-HELP FROM A RESPECTED PIONEER OF PSYCHOTHERAPY Anger. It’s one of our most basic, and often most destructive, human emotions. And in today’s world, it’s a constant, escalating force, from road rage to domestic abuse,...
Book cover of Counseling and Psychotherapy With Religious Persons

Counseling and Psychotherapy With Religious Persons

A Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Approach

by Stevan L. Nielsen, W. Brad Johnson, Albert Ellis
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2001

Practitioners are increasingly aware that religious persons present unique problems and challenges in therapy. Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is among the most widely practiced, highly structured and active directive approaches to treating emotional and behavioral problems. Introduced by...
Book cover of L'autoterapia razionale emotiva. Come pensare in modo psicologicamente efficace
by Albert Ellis
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 23, 2015

Come è possibile affrontare lo stress, il disagio psicologico, l’ansia e la rabbia? Come si possono risolvere i più comuni problemi emotivi e comportamentali?La Terapia Razionale Emotiva Comportamentale (REBT) è una teoria e una prassi psicoterapeutica che negli ultimi decenni ha avuto un notevole...
Book cover of Stress Counselling

Stress Counselling

A Rational Emotive Behaviour Approach

by Dr Albert Ellis, Mr Jack Gordon, Mr Michael Neenan
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2001

`The text is clear and easy to follow with vivid sessional excerpts that illustrate the theoretical dialogue' - International Review of Psychiatry `The publication proves to contain much instructive and practice-oriented material' - Nursing Standard Stress Counselling is a comprehensive...
Book cover of Una terapia breve más profunda y duradera

Una terapia breve más profunda y duradera

Enfoque teórico de la terapia racional emotivo-conductual

by Albert Ellis
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 31, 2019

¿Existe algún método terapéutico capaz de producir un cambio más duradero que los demás? Albert Ellis describe en Una terapia breve más profunda y duradera el modo en que la terapia racional emotivo-conductual, enfoque que él mismo creó, puede ayudar a los pacientes a experimentar un profundo cambio en todos los niveles, entre ellos el filosófico, el emocional y el conductual.
Book cover of Che rabbia!

Che rabbia!

Come controllarla prima che lei controlli te

by Albert Ellis, Indietro Raymond Chip Tafrate
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 28, 2017

DAL PADRE DELLA TERAPIA COMPORTAMENTALE-RAZIONALE-EMOTIVA, LA SOLUZIONE PER GESTIRE LO STRESS E LA RABBIAOgni giorno ti riprometti di rimanere calmo, ma poi te la prendi per mille motivi diversi – tua moglie che non la smette di parlare un attimo, tuo marito che si ostina ad abbandonare i calzini...
Book cover of Better, Deeper And More Enduring Brief Therapy

Better, Deeper And More Enduring Brief Therapy

The Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Approach

by Albert Ellis
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2013

First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Book cover of Rational and Irrational Beliefs

Rational and Irrational Beliefs

Research, Theory, and Clinical Practice

by Daniel David, Steven Jay Lynn, Albert Ellis
Language: English
Release Date: August 20, 2009

In Rational and Irrational Beliefs: Research, Theory, and Clinical Practice, leading scholars, researchers, and practitioners of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) and other cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBTs) share their perspectives and empirical findings on the nature of rational and irrational...
Book cover of Una nueva guía para una vida racional
by Albert Ellis
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 29, 2017

¿Estás dispuesto a ser sincero y riguroso contigo mismo y a llevar a cabo un profundo autoanálisis de tus pensamientos y emociones? En ese caso, este libro será para ti el más importante de los que has leído hasta ahora. La Terapia Racional Emotivo-Conductual (TREC) te enseñará a identificar...
Book cover of Moeten maakt gek

Moeten maakt gek

Pak zelf uw emotionele problemen aan

by Albert Ellis, Wouter Backx
Language: Dutch
Release Date: August 22, 2013

Hoe komt het dat op sommige momenten alles hopeloos en utizichtloos lijkt en we geen kant meer op kunnen? De Rationeel Emotieve Therapie (RET) geeft een duidelijk antwoord: dat doen we zelf. We denken onszelf als het ware de put in: we stellen ons verkeerd op tegenover de onaangename kanten van het...
Book cover of A pensar bene si vive meglio

A pensar bene si vive meglio

Come superare i pensieri irrazionali

by Albert Ellis
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 21, 2017

L'edizione italiana di A Guide to Rational Living: più di 1.500.000 copie vendute nel mondo.La Storia è piena di esempi di persone che hanno cambiato se stesse e aiutato altri a cambiare, grazie a un modo di pensare consapevole, equilibrato, razionale. Quindi, anche voi potete farlo. Potete leggere...
Book cover of RET Een andere kijk op problemen
by Albert Ellis, Alan Baldon
Language: Dutch
Release Date: November 29, 2018

In dit praktijkgerichte werkboek word je stap voor stap ingevoerd in de principes van de Rationeel-Emotieve Training, de RET. De RET gaat ervan uit dat het vaak niet de situaties zelf zijn die stressgevoelens en niet-effectief gedrag veroorzaken, maar de gedachten over die situaties. Gedachten en...
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