B B : 19330 books

Book cover of Stick with the Winners! How to Conduct More Effective 12-Step Recovery Meetings Using Conference-Approved Literature: A Dick B. Guide for Christian Leaders and Workers in the Recovery Arena
by Ken B., Dick B.
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2012

Ever heard, "You can't talk about Jesus or the Bible at an A.A. meeting?" Want to establish or modify an A.A. meeting or a Christian Recovery meeting so that it can include information on the roles played by God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Bible in early A.A.'s astonishing successes?...
Book cover of Tra inquietudine e fede

Tra inquietudine e fede

Corrispondenza (1967-1992)

by Emil Cioran, George Bălan
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 10, 2017

Il presente volume raccoglie in maniera integrale lo scambio epistolare, costituito da cinquantatré missive, intercorso tra Emil Cioran e George Bălan nel periodo 1967-1992. In pieno regime comunista, nell’agosto del 1965, Bălan si imbatte per caso nella lettura dell’opera giovanile di Cioran...
Book cover of Bíblia Sagrada Nova Almeida Atualizada

Bíblia Sagrada Nova Almeida Atualizada

Uma tradução clássica com linguagem atual

by Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 8, 2017

Com sentimento de gratidão a Deus, a SBB entrega, à Igreja brasileira e aos leitores da Bíblia, a Nova Almeida Atualizada, resultado de uma profunda revisão da consagrada tradução de Almeida, particularmente do texto da Almeida Revista e Atualizada. O grande desafio da SBB foi trabalhar em uma...
Book cover of Christ in the Tabernacle

Christ in the Tabernacle

An Old Testament Portrayal of the Christ of the New Testament

by A.B. Simpson
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2009

The classic book, Christ in the Tabernacle by A.B. Simpson, is subtitled "The Old Testament portrayal of the Christ of the New Testament."  A.B. Simpson again brings the truths of the Old Testament wilderness tabernacle and its makeup, linens, structure and furnishings contained within...
Book cover of Samadhi
by Swami B.P. Puri
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2017

This publication commemorates the completion of Swami B. P. Puri's Samadhi Mandir in Mayapur, India and was released in conjunction with the inauguration of the temple. This publication commemorates the completion of Swami B. P. Puri's Samadhi Mandir in Mayapur, India and was released in conjunction...
Book cover of Theorizing the Southeast Asian City as Text

Theorizing the Southeast Asian City as Text

Urban Landscapes, Cultural Documents, and Interpretative Experiences

by Robbie B H Goh, Brenda S A Yeoh
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2003

Theorizing the Southeast Asian City as Text examines the ways in which culture, ethnicity, languages, traditions, governance, policies and histories interplay in the creation of the urban experiences in contemporary Southeast Asian cities. It focuses on the ways in which urban spatial forms are textual...
Book cover of The War Within

The War Within

One More Step at a Time

by G. B. Trudeau
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2012

Your compassionate portrayal of Lieutenant B.D.'s recovery and struggle . . . has touched our Warrior family and opened the eyes of the rest of the world to the physical, emotional, and personal challenges our soldiers face."The initial stages of B.D.'s recovery from losing a leg in Iraq were...
Book cover of Lenz
by Georg Büchner
Language: German
Release Date: March 31, 2016

Die Erzählung beschreibt den sich erschlechternden Geisteszustand des Schriftstellers Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz und basiert einerseits auf einigen Briefen von Lenz, andererseits auf den schriftlichen Beobachtungen des Pfarrers Johann Friedrich Oberlin. Lenz ist eine Erzählung von Georg...
Book cover of The Ancient Greek Historians (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
by J. B. Bury
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2012

This edition includes a modern introduction and a list of suggested further reading.In Ancient Greek Historians, eminent British scholar J. B. Bury sets out to trace the genesis and development of the historical literature of the Greeks. The work is arranged chronologically, with several chapters addressing...
Book cover of Lénore


Traductions Comparées ( Edition intégrale )

by Gottfried August Bürger
Language: French
Release Date: June 16, 2018

Bürger est né à Wolsmerwende, dans la principauté d’Halberstadt, le 1er janvier 1748. Un soir, il entendit une jeune paysanne chanter les mots suivants : La lune est si claire, Les morts vont si vite à cheval ! Dis, chère amie, ne frissonnes-tu pas ? Ces paroles retentirent sans cesse à ses...
Book cover of Interstitial and Intracavitary Thermoradiotherapy
by G.G. Grabenbauer, E.L. Jones, C.A. Meeuwis
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

The use of hyperthermia in radiation oncology is well established. Many publications cover the whole field of possibilities and problems of this therapeutic modality. The new development of interstitial and intracavitary hyperthermia, however, is not well known: there are only a few relevant publications...
Book cover of Eu sou ela

Eu sou ela

Identifique-se com as mulheres da Bíblia

by Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil, Bible Society of South Africa
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 12, 2014

As mulheres desempenham um importante papel ao longo da Bíblia. E a Bíblia conta a história de muitas mulheres. Algumas viveram próximas de Deus, enquanto outras voltaram as costas para ele. Algumas delas lutaram com Deus. Mas Deus agiu na vida de todas elas. Neste livreto você encontrará histórias...
Book cover of I biscotti di Baudelaire

I biscotti di Baudelaire

Il libro di cucina di Alice B. Toklas

by Alice B. Toklas
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 24, 2013

Con il loro salotto artistico e letterario – che negli anni tra le due guerre era frequentato, tra gli altri, da Picasso, Picabia, Matisse, Braque, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Sherwood Anderson – Alice B. Toklas e Gertrude Stein hanno fatto un pezzo di storia. Ma quando, dopo la morte di Gertrude, un...
Book cover of Chroniques politiques de René Lévesque T2 - 1970-1971
by René Lévesque, Éric Bédard, Xavier Gélinas
Language: French
Release Date: June 15, 2017

René Lévesque (1922-1987) demeure dans la mémoire collective des Québécois une figure politique marquante du XXe siècle, mais ne fut-il pas d’abord un journaliste ? Entre la défaite de l’« équipe du tonnerre » de Jean Lesage aux élections de 1966 et l’accession au pouvoir du Parti...
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