Benjamin Simon: 19 books

Book cover of Grundzüge des Beyond Budgeting

Grundzüge des Beyond Budgeting

Ein Überblick über die Entwicklung des Beyond-Budgeting-Modells und Darstellung der Voraussetzungen für den erfolgreichen Einsatz im Unternehmen

by Benjamin Simon
Language: German
Release Date: March 5, 2004

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2003 im Fachbereich BWL - Controlling, Note: 2,3, Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft Berlin (Fachbereich Berufsakademie), Veranstaltung: Controlling, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Budgetierung stellt seit mehr als 50 Jahren eine der Schlüsselpositionen bei der Führung von...
Book cover of Moon in Capricorn: Redeeming Saturn in Astrology
by Simon Benjamin
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2015

Moon in Capricorn is said to be an extremely challenging astrological placement, creating all kinds of struggle and strife. Is that always true? Are there any benefits to having Moon in Capricorn or is it all dreadful? Simon Benjamin, having Moon in Capricorn himself, explores his perspective on so-called...
Book cover of Healing with Diet & Coffee Enemas
by Simon Benjamin
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2015

In 2010, Simon Benjamin had several debilitating health conditions. He began to search for natural healing methods. Believing that silver/amalgam dental fillings may have contributed to his sickness, he had all of his metal dental fillings replaced with non-metal dental fillings. In 2013, Simon began...
Book cover of Earthing: Managing Anxiety
by Simon Benjamin
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2015

Who would have guessed that something as simple as connecting to Earth may contribute to good health and healing? Earthing is a simple concept. However, it can be challenging to implement as a regular practice, especially for busy folks. Earthing has enabled Simon Benjamin to manage his anxiety...
Book cover of Inner Child Healing: A Practical Method
by Simon Benjamin
Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2015

This short e-book is about understanding the concept of the Inner Child and gaining skills in accessing childhood memories. It also discusses emotions as they relate to Inner Child work. Relying on his personal experience of healing, Simon Benjamin explores his perspective on the Inner Child and talks...
Book cover of VENUS in SCORPIO: Relationships
by Simon Benjamin
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2015

As a Venus-in-Scorpio, have you ever wondered why your relationships tend to be unstable and chaotic? If so, you are not alone! Venus in Scorpio can be a very challenging astrological position to manage, leading to seemingly mysterious relationship issues. If an author does not have Venus in Scorpio,...
Book cover of On Narcissism & Creating Healthy Relationships in the Workplace
by Simon Benjamin
Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2015

Narcissism has become an epidemic because raising children is becoming more difficult and more complex every day. Most of the discussion about narcissism seems to stem from victims of narcissistic abuse and tends to endorse division, blame and defamation, instead of understanding, healing and empathy.In...
Book cover of Self-hatred: Body-based Methods for Healing Self-loathing
by Simon Benjamin
Language: English
Release Date: August 18, 2015

It seems like everyone is suffering from some level of self-hatred. So, how can we heal? In this short e-book, Simon Benjamin, based on his journey of healing, explores self-loathing, its causes and possible solutions for inner peace.
Book cover of The Next Attack

The Next Attack

The Failure of the War on Terror and a Strategy for Getting it Right

by Daniel Benjamin, Steven Simon
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2006

The authors of the bestseller The Age of Sacred Terror show how the United States is losing the war on terror and what we need to do if we're serious about winning it. We are losing. Four years and two wars after September 11, 2001, the United States is no closer to victory in the "war...
Book cover of Being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
by Simon Benjamin
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2015

Simon wrote this short e-book in order to share his perspective on high sensitivity, to provide his experience with having a finely-tuned nervous system as well as to talk about how he manages being an HSP. He discusses challenges and benefits of being a highly sensitive person.
Book cover of The Age of Sacred Terror
by Daniel Benjamin, Steven Simon
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2002

Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon began working on this book shortly after leaving the National Security Council, where, as director and senior director for counterterrorism, they watched the rise of al-Qaeda and helped coordinate America’s fight against Usama bin Laden and his organization. They...
Book cover of Jewish Theology in Our Time

Jewish Theology in Our Time

A New Generation Explores the Foundations and Future of Jewish Belief

by Simon Cooper, PhD, Rabbi Leon A. Morris
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2010

A powerful and challenging examination of what Jews believe today—by a new generation's dynamic and innovative thinkers. At every critical juncture in Jewish history, Jews have understood a dynamic theology to be essential for a vital Jewish community. This important collection sets the next...
Book cover of The Book That Made Me

The Book That Made Me

A Collection of 32 Personal Stories

by Randa Abdel-Fattah, Bernard Beckett, Cathy Cassidy
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2017

Just as authors create books, books create authors — and these essays by thirty-one writers for young people offer a fascinating glimpse at the books that inspired them the most. What if you could look inside your favorite authors’ heads and see the book that led them to become who they...
Book cover of JavaScript für Eclipse-Entwickler
by Tim Buschtöns, Simon Kaegi, Papick Taboada
Language: German
Release Date: May 4, 2012

JavaScript ist die meistgenutzte Programmiersprache im Internet. Warum? Sie ist flexibel, sie läuft überall und in den verschiedensten Umgebungen. Wurde sie vor einigen Jahren noch als Spielerei abgetan, hat sie mittlerweile ihr Comeback gefeiert - manche Anwendung wird ausschließlich in JavaScript...
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