Carol D : 96 books

Book cover of Appalachian Health and Well-Being
by Carol S. Baugh, Melanie F. Myers, Michael S. Hendryx
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2012

Appalachians have been characterized as a population with numerous disparities in health and limited access to medical services and infrastructures, leading to inaccurate generalizations that inhibit their healthcare progress. Appalachians face significant challenges in obtaining effective care, and...
Book cover of The Interior Castle Study Edition
by St. Teresa of Avila, Kieran Kavanaugh, O.C.D.
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2011

The Interior Castle is more than a book. It is a powerful image of the mystery of the human person. It is the soul of St. Teresa of Avila, who journeys through the castle from one dwelling place to another mapping out a feminine, yet warlike, program for the Christian spiritual life. It is also the...
Book cover of Digital Media Strategies of the Far Right in Europe and the United States
by Lara Mazurski, Alexandar Mihailovic, Glen Duerr
Language: English
Release Date: May 6, 2015

With the leverage of digital reproducibility, historical messages of hate are finding new recipients with breathtaking speed and scope. The rapid growth in popularity of right-wing extremist groups in response to transnational economic crises underscores the importance of examining in detail the language...
Book cover of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Mid and Later Life
by Pamela A. Smith, Amy Maida Wadsworth, William McMahon
Language: English
Release Date: January 21, 2016

Bringing together international academics and professionals who are actively researching and working in the field, this pioneering scholarly volume covers the issues faced by individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) in mid and later life. Including a range of personal, academic and clinical...
Book cover of The Rosedale Diet
by Carol Colman, Ron Rosedale M.D.
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2009

Finally—the ultimate diet for fast, safe weight loss, lifelong health, and longer life, based on more than twenty years of research and the latest findings on appetite and weight. Metabolic specialist Ron Rosedale, M.D., has designed the Rosedale Diet to regulate the powerful hormone leptin, which...
Book cover of Advances in Reading Intervention

Advances in Reading Intervention

Research to Practice to Research

by Carol McDonald Connor, Ph.D., Peggy McCardle
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2015

Effective early reading intervention depends on research and practice that leads to positive changes in classroom practice and better student reading outcomes. This important volume promotes the valuable “research to practice to research” loop, bringing top experts and practitioners together to...
Book cover of The Silent Language of Leaders

The Silent Language of Leaders

How Body Language Can Help--or Hurt--How You Lead

by Carol Kinsey Goman Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2011

A guide for using body language to lead more effectively Aspiring and seasoned leaders have been trained to manage their leadership communication in many important ways. And yet, all their efforts to communicate effectively can be derailed by even the smallest nonverbal gestures such as the...
Book cover of Lens of War

Lens of War

Exploring Iconic Photographs of the Civil War

by James Robertson Jr., Thavolia Glymph, Daniel Sutherland
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2015

Lens of War grew out of an invitation to leading historians of the Civil War to select and reflect upon a single photograph. Each could choose any image and interpret it in personal and scholarly terms. The result is a remarkable set of essays by twenty-seven scholars whose numerous volumes on the...
Book cover of Lessons from Hurricane Ike
by Philip B. Bedient, James B. Blackburn Jr., Shannon S. Van Zandt
Language: English
Release Date: May 7, 2012

If Hurricane Ike had made landfall just fifty miles down the Texas coast, the devastation and death caused by what was already one of the most destructive hurricanes in US history would have quadrupled. Ike made everyone realize just how exposed and vulnerable the Houston-Galveston area is in the...
Book cover of Womanspeak: Voices from an Archaeology of Silence New and Collected Poems
by Carol Thomas Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2015

This book of poetry consists of new and collected poems, with an appendix that illustrates work I have done throughout the yearsoften when I was teaching creative writing or womens studies, and also when I was engaged in private practice with Shoreline Psychiatric Associates. The text represents a...
Book cover of 心態致勝



by 卡蘿‧杜維克 博士 Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., 李芳齡
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 31, 2017

人為何會有差異? 天賦異稟不是一種福賜,而是一場災難? 在學校或職場努力證明自己,有什麼不對嗎? 從小讚美孩子、培養優越感,可能使他們的發展受限? 本書作者卡蘿.杜維克博士為史丹佛大學心理學教授、美國人文與科學院院士,在性格、社會心理學及發展心理學等領域,是全球最頂尖的研究學者之一。 你可能不知道,我們從小被培養的一些「正確」觀念,很可能是妨礙自己成長、真正發揮潛能的最大阻力。 杜維克博士經過長年對不同群體的研究,發現人有兩種心態:「定型心態」和「成長心態」。擁有「定型心態」的人,總是急於追求證明自我,將所有成果二分為成功或失敗。擁有「成長心態」的人,則是樂觀看待自己的所有特質,將個人的基本素質視為起點,可以藉由努力、累積經驗和他人的幫助而改變、成長。 來試試看,你擁有哪種心態。請問你比較同意下列哪一項?  ☐我們可以一直學習新事物、新技能,但智力是個人基本素質,無法有多大改變。 ☐不論你是哪種類型的人,總是能夠明顯改變。 杜維克博士的研究及論述深富影響力,廣受全球重要學術及大眾報章雜誌引用,包括《時代》雜誌、《O》雜誌、《紐約時報》、《華盛頓郵報》、《當代心理學》雜誌等。她的研究更影響比爾.蓋茲基金會團隊對個人心態和習慣的認知,幫助他們在推廣教育與學習上獲致重要突破,因此本書被蓋茲遴選為年度唯一推薦成功心理學書籍。 我們對自己或他人的簡單信念,實際上操縱了人生的很大部分,深切影響了許多事情的結果。閱讀本書,你將會突然了解,那些在商業、科學、藝術、運動等各領域的傑出人士,為何表現卓越、異於常人,以及那些原本能夠、但最後未能有傑出表現的人敗北的原因。 本書為應用心理學的經典暢銷著作,也是第一本探討人類心態的專著,在全球熱銷了180萬冊,改變世界人士對於成功與成功之道的理解。它能幫助你克服在學習、工作、教育/教養、人際/兩性關係上常見的自我囿限,打開你的成長心態,讓你更了解另一半、老闆、同事、親友、孩子,懂得真正釋放自己和他人的潛能。 ✻關於小測驗: ☐我們可以一直學習新事物、新技能,但智力是個人基本素質,無法有多大改變。(定型心態)...
Book cover of Transforming Undergraduate Education

Transforming Undergraduate Education

Theory that Compels and Practices that Succeed

by Jann H. Adams, Jerzy Axer, Kenneth R. Bain
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2011

For those ready to participate in making transformative changes, Transforming Undergraduate Education provides evidence and case studies that suggest how steps can be taken and progress made. For those who are currently leading their campuses through a change in culture, this book offers support and...
Book cover of The Career Guide for Creative and Unconventional People, Fourth Edition
by Carol Eikleberry, Ph.D., Carrie Pinsky
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2015

A practical career guide for creatively inclined job seekers of all ages, with tips and counsel on how to use your independent and innovative talents and passions to make money, express yourself, and find a job you love. This new edition of the popular guide for individuals seeking work that...
Book cover of Performance Through Learning
by Kurt April, Nick Milton, Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2012

Performance Through Learning is a practical guide to the key issues surrounding knowledge management from a human resource perspective and provides incisive insights into developing a strategy linked to organizational learning. The authors present a framework and model that practitioners within organizations...
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