Court: 102 books

Book cover of The U.S. Supreme Court Decision on Marriage Equality

The U.S. Supreme Court Decision on Marriage Equality

The complete decision, including dissenting opinions

by Supreme Court of the United States
Language: English
Release Date: November 3, 2015

The complete text of the landmark Supreme Court decision on marriage equality   The 2015 Supreme Court decision Obergefell et al. v. Hodges legalized gay marriage across the United States. This edition collects the widely quoted decision by Justice Kennedy, as well as the dissents of Justices Roberts,...
Book cover of An Army of Amateurs
by Philippe de Vomécourt
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2016

This book is the fascinating firsthand account of SOE agent Philippe Vomécourt’s wartime experiences and records the heroic efforts in the French resistance in Nazi-dominated France. “Many books dealing with the work of the French Resistance have been published on this side of the Channel....
Book cover of Chronique de la salle sans porte
by Roland Fuentès, Libre Court
Language: French
Release Date: May 8, 2014

À la surprise des élèves, la porte d’une classe disparaît...Par cet étrange coup du sort, l’auteur enferme ses lecteurs entre les murs d’un passé écolier qui sent bon la craie, l’ennui, les cahiers, la camaraderie et une formidable soif d’évasion. Une nouvelle touchante dans laquelle...
Book cover of Le sursis

Le sursis


by Lise Gauvin, Libre Court
Language: French
Release Date: October 9, 2014

Au fil de ces pages illuminées par le soleil de Provence, Marie met ses pas dans ceux de Camus, l'homme À la faveur d’un semestre sabbatique, elle se plonge dans les lieux et les textes où Camus a laissé une trace, dans l’espoir d’en dresser le portrait. Ce qu'elle cherche vraiment ainsi ?...
Book cover of Austral KO

Austral KO


by Jean-Noël Levavasseur, Libre Court
Language: French
Release Date: April 15, 2014

Changer de vie, oui mais à quel prix ?Se faire un nom dans la boxe, offrir l’eau courante à sa grand-mère et connaître l’Australie. C’était le rêve de ce jeune Philippin qui revient au pays. À PROPOS DE L'AUTEURJean-Noël Levavasseur est un écrivain et journaliste français. Spécialiste...
Book cover of Mangeurs et décharnés
by Georges-Olivier Châteaureynaud, Libre Court
Language: French
Release Date: May 8, 2014

Le héros devient gratte-papier dans une vaste machine industrielle et, par la même occasion, un habitué du restaurant voisin : "Chez Euthyme". La serveuse y est charmante, accueillante et la chère savoureuse. Que demander de plus, sinon la raison des applaudissements nourris des autres convives à...
Book cover of The First World War, 1914-1918; Personal Experiences Of Lieut.-Col. C. À Court Repington Vol. II [Illustrated Edition]
by Lieut.-Col. Charles à Court Repington C.M.G.
Language: English
Release Date: November 6, 2015

Includes the First World War Illustrations Pack – 73 battle plans and diagrams and 198 photos A fascinating history of the First World War seen through the eyes of a highly respected and connected War Correspondent. Lieut.-Col. Charles à Court Repington was a career soldier in the...
Book cover of St. James Trade School and Brother James Court
by Franciscan Brothers at Brother James Court
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2010

Helping orphaned and disadvantaged boys get a chance at a better life was the mission of Brother James, founder of the Franciscan Brothers of the Holy Cross, a German Catholic Order that sent Brothers to the United States in 1924. To that end, St. James Trade School was established in Springfield, Illinois,...
Book cover of The First World War, 1914-1918; Personal Experiences Of Lieut.-Col. C. À Court Repington Vol. I [Illustrated Edition]
by Lieut.-Col. Charles à Court Repington C.M.G.
Language: English
Release Date: November 6, 2015

Includes the First World War Illustrations Pack – 73 battle plans and diagrams and 198 photos A fascinating history of the First World War seen through the eyes of a highly respected and connected War Correspondent. Lieut.-Col. Charles à Court Repington was a career soldier in the...
Book cover of The Perfect Genre. Drama and Painting in Renaissance Italy
by Kristin Phillips-Court
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2016

Proposing an original and important re-conceptualization of Italian Renaissance drama, Kristin Phillips-Court here explores how the intertextuality of major works of Italian dramatic literature is not only poetic but also figurative. She argues that not only did the painterly gaze, so prevalent in...
Book cover of Path Towards Equality: Anti-Discrimination Acts & Most Important Supreme Court Decisions Against Racism

Path Towards Equality: Anti-Discrimination Acts & Most Important Supreme Court Decisions Against Racism

Civil Rights Legislation and Racial Discrimination Law: From the Thirteenth Amendment to the Hate Crimes Prevention Act & from the Strauder v. West Virginia to the Batson v. Kentucky Case

by U.S. Government, U.S. Supreme Court
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2017

This is a unique legal collection comprised of the most important U.S. Civil Rights Acts and Supreme Court decisions considering racial discrimination. Ideals, hopes and dreams of Nat Turner, Dred Scott, Martin Luther King and many other activists who fought for equality, are built in the legislative...
Book cover of La démangeaison
by Lorette Nobécourt
Language: French
Release Date: February 11, 2009

Longtemps, Lorette Nobécourt a brûlé ses textes. Mais en 1994, un court récit échappe au feu : c’est La démangeaison, que publient alors les éditions Sortilèges. Confession, monologue, carnet d’une souffrance ou d’un mauvais rêve, ces cent pages marquent la naissance d’un écrivain...
Book cover of L'usure des jours
by Lorette Nobécourt
Language: French
Release Date: February 11, 2009

En 2007, Lorette Nobécourt quitte Paris et s’installe dans un village du sud. Pendant l’hiver qui suit, elle comprend qu’elle ne peut plus continuer. Ses repères se sont effondrés. Le froid est venu jusque dans sa maison. Dans le creux de ses mains qui tremblent. Dans ses os. Le miroir ne...
Book cover of A History of Civil Rights Through Legislation: Constitutional Amendments, Laws, Supreme Court Decisions & Key Foreign Policy Acts

A History of Civil Rights Through Legislation: Constitutional Amendments, Laws, Supreme Court Decisions & Key Foreign Policy Acts

Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Complete Amendments, The Federalist Papers, Gettysburg Address, Voting Rights Act, Social Security Act, Loving v. Virginia and more

by U.S. Government, U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Congress
Language: English
Release Date: February 10, 2017

This collection incorporates the crucial democratic principles on which our identity as Americans is based. From the Declaration of Independence to the Civil Rights Act of 1968, this edition contains 40 most important decisions and acts that shaped the legal system and democracy of the USA. Table...
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