Dacia: 19 books

Book cover of La mia vita, le mie battaglie
by Dacia Maraini, Joseph Farrell
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 19, 2015

Dall’infanzia a oggi la scrittrice si racconta. Dacia Maraini ripercorre la sua vita: il campo di prigionia in Giappone e gli otto anni trascorsi a Bagheria; la lunga storia di tenerezza e amore con Alberto Moravia; gli esordi letterari a Roma. Uno ad uno compaiono i suoi personaggi:...
Book cover of The Silent Duchess
by Dacia Maraini, Anna Camaiti Hostert
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2000

The stunning English translation of the International Man Booker Prize Finalist novel hailed as “a story of grace and endurance, not mere survival” (The New York Times Book Review).   Winner of the Premio Campiello, short-listed for the Independent Foreign Fiction Award, and published to critical...
Book cover of Extravagance and Three Other Plays
by Dacia Maraini
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2015

The collection includes four theatrical works of acclaimed Italian author, Dacia Maraini, in a dual-language format (Italian/English). The works have been chosen around the themes of distress, exclusion, and various manifestations of tragedy with particular reference to women. The works were chosen...
Book cover of Never Again Goodbye
by Dacia Harrt
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2011

Anne has spent years raising her family seeing only what was inside her four walls. When she loses her husband of twenty-five years and her children have grown, she knows it is time to move on. After the wedding of her youngest daughter, she begins a journey that will open her heart and mind to a...
Book cover of It's A Food Allergy
by Dacia Harrt
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2013

This story is about my allergic reaction to a vaccination due to an unknown dairy allergy.
Book cover of Mille Italie

Mille Italie

Storia e sorprese del Belpaese nel mondo

by Franz Coriasco, Renzo Arbore, Carla Fracci
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 30, 2016

L'"altra Italia", quella delle eccellenze e dei cervelli in fuga. Quella che adora l’italiano e il “made in Italy”. Quella che sogna di venirci o di tornarci. Quella che non dimentica le sue radici. L'Italia di quasi ottanta milioni di persone (tra emigrati recenti e pronipoti vari)...
Book cover of The Ghosts Caress
by Dacia Harrt
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2011

While traveling across the country Julia stops on the side of the road for a rest. She feels a breeze pick up and feels the wind like a lover caress her skin. She feels it wrap all around her and call her name.Isaac is an earthbound ghost that reaches out to Julia. She is the first person in over...
Book cover of Evelyn's Strength
by Dacia Harrt
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2011

Mike looked around the old inn. He was tired and burnt out. Not even in his mid forties and he walked away from everything. Hoping to heal in the desert sun. His sister had told him about the old inn and he had decided to visit for a while. Nothing had prepared him for what he would find when he arrived.He...
Book cover of La P2 nei diari segreti di Tina Anselmi
by Tina Anselmi, Anna Vinci, Dacia Maraini
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 24, 2016

A trent’anni dalla scoperta della P2, per la prima volta disponibili gli appunti privati di Tina Anselmi, presidente della Commissione parlamentare sulla Loggia segreta, cui erano iscritti militari, agenti dei servizi segreti, parlamentari, ministri, giornalisti, imprenditori. Molti personaggi sono...
Book cover of Tre sguardi su Pinocchio
by Dacia Maraini, Silvia Calamai, Paolo Tartamella
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 16, 2019

Brevi interpretazioni di Pinocchio di Dacia Maraini, Silvia Calamai e Paolo Tartamella Illustrato a colori da Francesca Cerritelli Nel Centro Culturale Italiano Italytime, allestito nel West Village di New York, molte iniziative hanno incuriosito e appassionato il pubblico, non solo di origine italiana....
Book cover of Donne nel Sessantotto
by Paola, Cioni, Eliana
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 3, 2018

"la manifestazione non era autorizzata… cantavamo e distribuivamo volantini fermandoci ai semafori…, poi ci siamo ricordate che in genere una manifestazione non rispetta i semafori. Due poliziotti in motocicletta si sono messi a seguirci e commentavano tra loro: 'Mo’ ce se so’ messe pure...
Book cover of GERAUBTE LIEBE
by Dacia Maraini
Language: German
Release Date: February 27, 2015

Eine Mutter, die erlebt, wie ihr Mann die gemeinsame, lang ersehnte kleine Tochter zur Schönheitskönigin hochstilisiert. Eine junge Frau, deren nette Bekanntschaft aus dem Fitness-Studio sich zum rasenden Stalker entwickelt. Eine Journalistin, die auf Dienstreise von einem hilfsbereiten Herrn mitgenommen...
Book cover of Renegade


Martin Luther, The Graphic Biography

by Andrea Ciponte, Dacia Palmerino
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2017

Major publicity: In this commemorative year, the Reformation is the subject of movies such as the American Public Television series The Reformation: This Changed Everything, PBS: Martin Luther: An Idea That Changed the World, museum exhibits and events sponsored by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of...
Book cover of How to Become a Link-and-link-knitting-machine Operator

How to Become a Link-and-link-knitting-machine Operator

How to Become a Link-and-link-knitting-machine Operator

by Dacia Mast
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2015

This publication will teach you the basics of how to become a Link-and-link-knitting-machine Operator. With step by step guides and instructions, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valuable knowledge of how to become a Link-and-link-k
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