David : 35381 books

Book cover of Much More Than Academic Abilities
by David Chan
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2019

Academic abilities play a critical role not only in school settings but also in practical work situations and other problem-solving contexts that involve important intellectual task demands. However, we will not achieve the intended positive outcomes if we give too much emphasis to academic abilities...
Book cover of Fitter Faster

Fitter Faster

Your best ever body in under 8 weeks

by David Kingsbury
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2018

. Drop up to 4 pounds a week, safely and sustainably, with the revolutionary 8 week fat-loss plan from acclaimed celebrity personal trainer, David Kingsbury. Most diets don't work because they aren't personalised to YOU. David has combatted that, providing tailored menus and movement plans...
Book cover of Les Univers de David Gemmell
by David Gemmell
Language: French
Release Date: December 7, 2016

Partez à la découverte du monde de Drenaï et découvrez les autres œuvres cultes de David Gemmell! À l’occasion du trentième anniversaire de la parution de Légende, le best-seller qui a changé le visage de la Fantasy, les éditions Bragelonne vous offrent le guide illustré des univers...
Book cover of Der große rote Sohn
by David Foster Wallace
Language: German
Release Date: January 12, 2017

Einblicke in ein ziemlich schillerndes Milieu – David Foster Wallace goes Pornoindustrie Jedes Jahr findet im Caesars Palace in Las Vegas die Verleihung der Adult Video News Awards statt, der Oscars der Pornoindustrie. Im Auftrag der Zeitschrift Premiere besucht David Foster Wallace 1998 die Preisverleihung...
Book cover of Der Planet Trillaphon im Verhältnis zur Üblen Sache

Der Planet Trillaphon im Verhältnis zur Üblen Sache

zweisprachige Ausgabe, Deutsch - Englisch

by David Foster Wallace
Language: German
Release Date: April 2, 2015

Wer das Wesen der Krankheit Depression verstehen will, muss diesen Text lesen Eine frühe Erzählung von David Foster Wallace, erstmals 1984 in The Amherst Review, einer literarischen Studentenzeitschrift, erschienen. Mit erschreckender Offenheit und Formulierungen, die später in seinen Romanen und...
Book cover of Signifying Rappers

Signifying Rappers

Warum Rap, den Sie hassen, nicht Ihren Vorstellungen entspricht, sondern scheißinteressant ist und wenn anstößig, dann bei dem, was heute so abgeht, von nützlicher Anstößigkeit

by David Foster Wallace, Mark Costello and
Language: German
Release Date: November 6, 2014

Ein früher Text von David Foster Wallace über das Wesen einer subversiven Musikrichtung – des Rap David Foster Wallaces Betrachtungen über den Rap basieren zunächst auf persönlichen Erfahrungen – er kannte den Besitzer eines unabhängigen Rap-Labels und beschreibt das Umfeld, in dem dieser...
Book cover of Tijdmeters
by David Mitchell
Language: Dutch
Release Date: May 28, 2019

‘Tijdmeters is fantastisch.’ ***** NRC Handelsblad Op een druilerige zomerdag in 1984 ontmoet de van huis weg-gelopen tiener Holly Sykes een vreemde vrouw die haar in ruil voor een slok thee om ‘asiel’ vraagt. Pas jaren later zal Holly erachter komen wat voor asiel de vrouw precies...
Book cover of A Glimpse of Tao
by David Brazil, Tyswan Slater
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2017

A GLIMPSE OF TAO by Tyswan Slater with photographs by David Brazil A little book of inspirational poetry and original photographs providing insights into the everyday wisdom of the Tao.
Book cover of Wer bin ich - und wenn ja wie viele?

Wer bin ich - und wenn ja wie viele?

Eine philosophische Reise

by Richard David Precht
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2009

„Fragen zu stellen ist eine Fähigkeit, die man nie verlernen sollte.“ (Richard David Precht) Eine faszinierende Reise in die Welt der Philosophie – Richard David Prechts Buch bietet Antworten auf die großen Fragen des Lebens Was ist Wahrheit? Woher weiß ich, wer ich bin? Warum soll...
Book cover of Common Ground
by Richard David Bach
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2013

Former lawyer and novice private investigator Raam Commoner is caught by surprise when new wife Kayman Karl announces her intention to sell the prestigious white-collar private detective firm founded by her late father to a competitor who specializes in infidelity investigations, unaware that he’ll...
Book cover of Let's Talk About Sex
by Pastor David
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2014

“What Does God Think of My Sex Life?” Do you ever wonder? If so, you’re not alone. Teens and young adults alike have been asking that question for centuries. Finally, there is a good answer! Pastor David dares to address the questions that many people would rather sweep under the rug...
Book cover of Psalms of David

Psalms of David

The Soul of a Poet

by David Vercoe
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2012

How do you describe a lifetime of events? For David Vercoe writing poetry has become a key ingredient in expressing feelings and thoughts that might otherwise remain unspoken. God has given him a gift of being able to express in poetry, concepts that cannot be easily expressed in normal conversation....
Book cover of Coffret coup de coeur Franck Thilliez
by David Coulon, Jean-marc Laine, Dorothee Lizion
Language: French
Release Date: November 16, 2017

Coffret coup de coeur de Franck Thilliez 3 titres Démons de Marc Laine Le village des ténèbres de David Coulon Sous surveillance de dorothee lizion Démons de Marc Laine Maxime, 31 ans, est un jeune lieutenant exerçant ses sombres talents au sein de la police judiciaire avignonnaise. D'ordinaire,...
Book cover of Shimmers and Laughs

Shimmers and Laughs

Eight Wildly Hilarious Tales

by David H. Hendrickson
Language: English
Release Date: August 18, 2018

From a little blue fuzzy monster in a Casanova's pants... to a movie star wannabe raising money for her boob job. From rival Key West female impersonators... to the wife of the Biblical King David. From an Irishman with a unique challenge on St. Patrick's Day... to a borscht-belt-style...
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