English: 459 books

Book cover of Surrender Invites Death

Surrender Invites Death

Fighting the Waffen SS in Normandy

by John A. English
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2011

What it was like to fight Hitler's ideological troops in Normandy starting on D-Day, June 6, 1944.
Book cover of The Westies

The Westies

Inside New York's Irish Mob

by T. J. English
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2011

From a New York Times–bestselling author: A true story of Irish gangsters in Manhattan—“A harrowing account of big city crime” (Library Journal). It’s men like Jimmy Coonan and Mickey Featherstone who gave Hell’s Kitchen its name. In the mid-1970s, these two longtime friends take...
Book cover of Born to Kill

Born to Kill

The Rise and Fall of America's Bloodiest Asian Gang

by T. J. English
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2011

The “riveting” true story of the Vietnamese gang that terrorized Manhattan’s Chinatown, from the New York Times–bestselling author of The Westies (Newsday). They are children of the Vietnam War. Born and raised in the wasteland left by American bombs and napalm, these young men know...
Book cover of Constantine the Great General

Constantine the Great General

A Military Biography

by Elizabeth James, Stephen English
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2012

Constantine the Great is a titanic figure in Roman, and indeed world history. Most famed for making Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire (and thus ensuring its survival and spread), and for moving the seat of imperial rule to 'New Rome' (Constantinople), he is most often studied...
Book cover of Japanese Fashion Designers

Japanese Fashion Designers

The Work and Influence of Issey Miyake, Yohji Yamamotom, and Rei Kawakubo

by Professor Bonnie English
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2013

Over the past 40 years, Japanese designers have led the way in aligning fashion with art and ideology, as well as addressing identity and social politics through dress. They have demonstrated that both creative and commercial enterprise is possible in today's international fashion industry, and have...
Book cover of Are You Ready for Me
by Therese M. English
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2016

This book was an adventure for me. And I invite any one to come along. I have everything I need inside myself. I now live to love and share it with all.
Book cover of The Trouble With Boys
by Gemma English
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2017

Amelia Slater, 29, has a good job, an apartment in Clontarf, a vicious cat and a huge crush on Ray Donnelly at work. She and her friend Ruth are dedicated weight watchers, but powerless to resist a bottle of wine and tube of Pringles. When Amelia’s sister Jenny announces her engagement to dull Mike,...
Book cover of Reading Texts, Reading Lives

Reading Texts, Reading Lives

Essays in the Tradition of Humanistic Cultural Criticism in Honor of Daniel R. Schwarz

by Paul Gordon, Ruth Hoberman, Ross Murfin
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2012

Our culture attempts to separate competing ideological factions by denying relationships between multiple perspectives and influences outside of one’s own narrow interpretive community. The distinguished essayists in this volume find Daniel R. Schwarz’s pluralistic, self-questioning approach to...
Book cover of Capacity Greatest Quotes - Quick, Short, Medium Or Long Quotes. Find The Perfect Capacity Quotations For All Occasions - Spicing Up Letters, Speeches, And Everyday Conversations.
by Kimberly English
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2016

This book is the outcome of an idea, and the idea is very simple. It is that the best way to understand the dramatic transformation any idea can bring and to successfully bring ideas across, is to think of them as profound insights and moments of clarity often disguised as wit, captured in one single...
Book cover of Metamorphoses of the Zoo

Metamorphoses of the Zoo

Animal Encounter after Noah

by Ralph R. Acampora, Helena Pedersen, Natalie Dian
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2010

Metamorphoses of the Zoo: Animal Encounter After Noah is a volume dedicated to radically transformative approaches to spaces set aside as zoological parks or gardens. Historically, these establishments served as symbols of power and venues for entertainment, but today, they have taken to portraying...
Book cover of Leadership as Lunacy

Leadership as Lunacy

And Other Metaphors for Educational Leadership

by Professor Jacky Lumby, Dr. Fenwick W. English
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2010

Using thought-provoking metaphors, this book takes an innovative look at leadership models and behaviors to help administrators reflect upon their roles and revitalize their leadership behaviors.
Book cover of The Memoirs Of Louis XV. And XVI., Volume 1
by Madame Du Hausset, And Of An Unknown English Girl And The Princess Lamballe
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Book cover of The Student's Guide to Writing Essays
by Roberts, David (Lecturer in English, Worcester College of Higher Education)
Language: English
Release Date: January 11, 2013

This text is divided into two sections: a core element focusing on basic skills which everyone needs to master in writing essays, and a subject-based section which takes the student to a more advanced level.
Book cover of 暗渡文明:大搶救還是大疑案?改寫非洲歷史的廷巴克圖伊斯蘭手抄本事件
by 查理‧英格利許(Charlie English)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 10, 2019

要守護一個文明,首先要做的竟然是盜走它? 來自遙遠國度的傳奇,一座傳頌百年的鍍金城市 賭上《衛報》記者職涯寫就的巨作,曲折離奇的伊斯蘭手抄本竊盜案! 廷巴克圖是傳說的發源之地,自古到今,這個城市自身即是傳奇。 在歐洲探險家尚未涉足非洲大陸的漫長年歲中,廷巴克圖是口耳相傳的桃源鄉,相傳那裡的房舍牆壁鍍了金,居民以小塊純金作貨幣,且他們的帝王坐擁金山,能毫無顧忌的隨意揮霍黃金。這個西非城市的歷史面貌始終籠罩在訛傳與誇大的描述之中,面目模糊,但它的確掌握了一個文明的核心。 廷巴克圖之所以被傳說打磨、閃著金光,原因不在物質,而在文化。歷經紛亂而漫長,充滿佔領與衝突的時光,這個古城裡埋藏著巨大瑰寶,是一頁又一頁十五、十六世紀的書寫史料,一疊又一疊令伊斯蘭研究者興奮顫抖的手抄本,數量之多,據說只要稍加鑽研,便足以全面翻轉現行非洲歷史敘事。 2012年,北非基地組織攻陷廷巴克圖。隔年,市長宣布城中所有古老史料盡毀,但這卻是這座城市傳說又興的起點。一群圖書館員竟冒著烽火搶救了大量手抄本!然而就在眾人歡欣慶賀之時,作者查理‧英格利許深入挖掘真相,赫然發現這次國際矚目的搶救文明行動,竟可能是場聯合當地知名藏書家,組織精良的騙局。 世上有兩個廷巴克圖,一個真實存在於尼日河畔,一個則完全虛幻,坐落於你我心靈之中。當心靈的力量與渴望被激情煽動,真實與虛偽便能輕易變造真相,而一個文明的份量,也許就立基在人們是否相信它的存在上。 當裝著文明質量的木箱始終緊閉,擁有鑰匙的所有人不願開誠布公時,我們能做的僅有觀看,並選擇是否要相信這則鍍金的傳說。 ※...
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