Federico: 752 books

Book cover of The United States and the European Trade Union Movement, 1944-1951
by Federico Romero
Language: English
Release Date: November 9, 2000

In this study of U.S. postwar policy toward the reconstruction of Europe's trade unions, Romero demonstrates the weaknesses of the American strategy to reshape European societies in the likeness of American social pluralism. Using Italy as a case study, he shows how the U.S. government cooperated...
Book cover of Storie di Dèi e di Eroi - I figli di Zeus
by Anna Grieco, Sabrina Rizzo, Irene Grazzini
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 11, 2015

Otto racconti, per altrettanti autori, per questa raccolta antologica che vi trasporterà, come per magia, nel mondo degli dèi e degli eroi della mitologia greca, ma ai tempi nostri. Castore e Polluce, Calliope, Apollo e Daphne, Ebe, Artemide, Efesto, Endimione e Selene, Ecate. Questi sono i personaggi...
Book cover of Team Leader sicurezza e investigazioni private
by Federico Iannoni Sebastianini
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 14, 2017

Il presente libro rappresenta l’insieme di esperienze vissute direttamente dall’autore, la fusione di più pensieri e conoscenze condivisi negli anni con figure legali, del diritto amministrativo, penale, dirigenti di Polizia, FF.OO in genere. Il lavoro raccoglie esperienze estere, insegnamenti...
Book cover of The Atomic Hamburger
by Federico Sanchez
Language: English
Release Date: June 19, 2013

The Boyers, a sheepherding family in Idaho decide to move into the fast food business when the Federal lands they used to graze their sheep are turned into a Federal nuclear energy research center. Hence the name of their diner, The Atomic Hamburger. Hoping to become rich with the expected economic...
Book cover of A Thousand Moments of Solitude

A Thousand Moments of Solitude

(A Personal Encounter with Suicide)

by Federico Sanchez
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2006

On November 12, 2002, at the age of twenty-two, my son Mitchell committed suicide. His sudden and unexpected death sent me reeling down a path I needed to travel if I ever wanted to escape the forest of grief and loss in which I found myself. This book recounts my journey to come to terms with the...
Book cover of Missing Person
by Federico Sanchez
Language: English
Release Date: February 25, 2009

Missing Person is a novel that stars Larry, a neurologist turned neuropsychologist, who knows his father, Lawrence has committed suicide and gone missing. When detectives Ramirez and OMalley of the NYPD look into the matter, they have strong reasons to believe that there has been foul play, or that...
Book cover of Experimental Mechanics of Solids
by Cesar A. Sciammarella, Federico M. Sciammarella
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2012

Experimental solid mechanics is the study of materials to determine their physical properties. This study might include performing a stress analysis or measuring the extent of displacement, shape, strain and stress which a material suffers under controlled conditions. In the last few years there have...
Book cover of Parallel Robots With Unconventional Joints

Parallel Robots With Unconventional Joints

Kinematics and Motion Planning

by Patrick Grosch, Federico Thomas
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2019

This book shows how, through certain geometric transformations, some of the standard joints used in parallel robots can be replaced with lockable or non-holonomic joints. These substitutions allow for reducing the number of legs, and hence the number of actuators needed to control the robot, without...
Book cover of Impact Craters in South America
by Rogelio Daniel Acevedo, Sergio G. Stinco, Maximiliano C. L. Rocca
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2015

A complete and updated catalogue of impact craters and structures in South America from 2014 is presented here. Approximately eighty proven, suspected and disproven structures have been identified by several sources in this continent. All the impact sites of this large continent have been exhaustively...
Book cover of Chiesa e pedofilia

Chiesa e pedofilia

Non lasciate che i pargoli vadano a loro

by Federico Tulli
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 7, 2013

Dopo decenni di silenzi e nonostante l’omertà delle gerarchie ecclesiastiche, è esploso in tutta la sua virulenza lo scandalo della pedofilia nel clero cattolico. Centinaia di migliaia di vittime accertate in tutto il mondo testimoniano un fenomeno dalle dimensioni inquietanti, paragonabile a...
Book cover of T'aimer encore
by Federico Moccia
Language: French
Release Date: June 27, 2018

Beau gosse au cœur tendre, le coup de poing facile, l’âme rebelle, Stefano était une légende vivante aux yeux de sa bande de copains romains. Mais c’était il y a dix ans... Aujourd’hui, le jeune homme est rentré dans le rang, devenu producteur de télévision, il va se marier et avoir...
Book cover of La transformation des papillons
by Federico Axat
Language: French
Release Date: February 4, 2015

Une nuit, Christina a un accident de voiture sur une route de campagne. Dans la voiture, les secours ne retrouvent que Sam, son bébé d’un an. Christina, elle, a mystérieusement disparu. Pendant des années, d’autres personnes s’évanouissent dans la nature avec une effrayante régularité...
Book cover of Radici ideologiche ed esiti socioculturali del '68
by Roberto Pertici, Eugenio Capozzi, Marco Gervasoni
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 16, 2018

«La risposta più adeguata al ritorno del mito – specie da parte di formatori e insegnanti - è quella di una compiuta “storicizzazione”, anche perché quel tornare resta decisivo per la comprensione del tempo in cui viviamo e delle sue sfide. È quanto si propongono di fare i saggi che qui...
Book cover of Content Curation

Content Curation

Come selezionare, gestire e condividere i contenuti della rete

by Federico Guerrini
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 13, 2015

Ogni giorno siamo sommersi da notizie e aggiornamenti di ogni genere, dalle news lette su Google, ai post di Face book e i cinguettii di Twitter. Il problema del sovraccarico informativo, che rende difficile distinguere ciò che è rile vante da ciò che non lo è, non è mai stato così acuto. Come...
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