Federico: 752 books

Book cover of The Directors: The Playboy Interview

The Directors: The Playboy Interview

50 Years of the Playboy Interview

by Playboy, Ingmar Bergman, Federico Fellini
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

The filmmakers who defy convention and validate the legitimacy of the auteur theory are revealed in probing, wide-ranging and provocative interviews that first appeared in Playboy magazine. From foreign masters of direction and style Ingmar Bergman and Federico Fellini to champions of independent film...
Book cover of Siamo la promessa
by Federico Negri
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 19, 2014

Romance, distopia e dipendenza, un cocktail micidiale per la giovanissima professoressa Haria. Mentre il suo mondo sta per essere invaso, lei è l'ultimo baluardo prima del disastro. Promise è l'unico pianeta colonizzato al di fuori del sistema solare, ma è precipitato in un'era pre-industriale...
Book cover of Renaissance Patterns for Lace, Embroidery and Needlepoint
by Federico Vinciolo
Language: English
Release Date: December 3, 2012

Old Venetian lace has always been considered one of the high points of the textile arts, what with its imaginative design, technical brilliance, and universal appeal to all lands and times. It was the ancestor of most of the important laces that have since been made in Europe, and surviving specimens...
Book cover of The light of Lisbon
by Federico Zia, Francesca Flammini
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2016

A fabulous photographic journey through the south of Portugal from Lisbon to Cabo da Roca.
Book cover of I, Fellini
by Federico Fellini, Charolette Chandler
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2001

Forged from the many conversations Charlotte Chandler conducted with director Federico Fellini over the course of fourteen years, and featuring a forward by Billy Wilder, I, Fellini is a portrait of one of Italy's greatest filmmakers in his own words. In the book, Fellini recounts the stories behind...
Book cover of Vita di Cristina di Belgiojoso
by Federico Barrago
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 21, 2015

La principessa Cristina di Belgiojoso ebbe modo di mostrare tutto il suo intraprendente e coraggioso carattere durante lo scoppio dell’insurrezione milanese del 1848, le famose Cinque giornate di Milano. Trovandosi a Napoli, al momento dell’insurrezione lasciò la città partenopea per dirigersi...
Book cover of Sesso, erba e disastri vari 2:The windflow Project
by Federico Calafati
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 10, 2018

ROMANZI ROSA: Sesso, erba e disastri vari PARTE 2: The windflow project! ( amore, libri storie amore, libri narrativa amore, libri romanzi d amore, libri storia d amore, libri ragazza amore, libri avventura amore) Liam, Blaine, Hannah e Vanessa fanno parte dei Windflow, e sono disposti a tutto pur...
Book cover of :Sesso, erba e disastri vari 3

:Sesso, erba e disastri vari 3

Ebook gratis romanzi per ragazze

by Federico Calafati
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 8, 2018

Terza parte della serie "Sesso, erba e disastri vari", uno dei romanzi per ragazzi più scaricati del 2018. Sceglilo se ti piacciono le avventure generali, e gli elementi humour e thriller! (passione selvaggia, passione segreta, passione pericolosa, passione proibita, una passione travolgente,...
Book cover of La crepa nel buio
by Federico Calafati
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 11, 2016

LA CREPA NEL BUIO: libri di horror, libri horror 2019, film horror libri, horror italiano libri, libri horror nuovi, libri horror thriller Quattro amici vanno fuori per il weekend, in una villa nel bosco, con l'intento di divertirsi e passare un pò di tempo insieme. Ben presto...
Book cover of Manager nella tempesta

Manager nella tempesta

Come il Business Coaching ti allena a ritrovare e mantenere risultati e performance

by Federico Grianti
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 26, 2013

Il Business Coach: la giusta guida per gestire il momento di crisi come opportunità positiva. In questo libro le tecniche di coaching specifiche in ambito business. I manager delle grandi aziende sono sottoposti oggi a un’estrema pressione, incastrati fra l’ampliamento delle responsabilità...
Book cover of Mafias on the Move

Mafias on the Move

How Organized Crime Conquers New Territories

by Federico Varese
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2011

Organized crime is spreading like a global virus as mobs take advantage of open borders to establish local franchises at will. That at least is the fear, inspired by stories of Russian mobsters in New York, Chinese triads in London, and Italian mafias throughout the West. As Federico Varese...
Book cover of Comunicando la Comunicazione Pubblicitaria
by Federico Zia
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 17, 2016

Il testo presenta i principali argomenti legati alla comunicazione pubblicitaria, dalla sua evoluzione nel dopoguerra fino alla pubblicità globale passando per le agenzie pubblicitarie, gli effetti della pubblicità, il brand, le strategie, la creazione dei messaggi pubblicitari, la verifica dell’efficacia della comunicazione pubblicitaria e il media planning.
Book cover of To Communicate the Advertising Communication
by Federico Zia
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2016

The text presents the main topics related to advertising, from its evolution in the post-war period until the global advertising through advertising agencies, the effects of advertising, the brand, the strategies, the creation of advertising messages, the effectiveness of communication advertising and media planning.
Book cover of Economic Governance in Europe

Economic Governance in Europe

Comparative Paradoxes and Constitutional Challenges

by Federico Fabbrini
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2016

The Euro-Crisis and the legal and institutional responses to it have had important constitutional implications on the architecture of the European Union (EU). Going beyond the existing literature, Federico Fabbrini's book takes a broad look and examines how the crisis and its aftermath have changed...
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