Felix B : 26 books

Book cover of Fundamentals of Geophysical Hydrodynamics
by A.E. Gledzer, Felix V. Dolzhansky, E.B. Gledzer
Language: English
Release Date: October 26, 2012

This newly-translated book takes the reader from the basic principles and conservation laws of hydrodynamics to the description of general atmospheric circulation. Among the topics covered are the Kelvin, Ertel and Rossby-Obukhov invariants, quasi-geostrophic equation, thermal wind, singular Helmholtz...
Book cover of Artifacts Volume 2 TP
by Ron Marz, Phil Smith, Whilce Portacio
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2011

Separately, 13 Artifacts guide the fate of the universe. Together, 13 Artifacts will end the universe.
Book cover of Artifacts Volume 4 TP
by Ron Marz, Phil Smith, Whilce Portacio
Language: English
Release Date: July 17, 2012

Separately, 13 Artifacts guide the fate of the universe. Together, 13 Artifacts will end the universe.
Book cover of History of West Indies
by Felix L. Oswald, Edith B. Blake
Language: English
Release Date: June 14, 2016

Had those islands any aborigines when discovered by Europeans? If there were natives, do any of them remain? The West Indies, or Antilles, consist of many hundreds, or even—reckoning keys or very small islands—several thousand islands varying in area from those which, like Cuba and Jamaica, number...
Book cover of Empathy


From Bench to Bedside

by Dan Zahavi, Søren Overgaard, Allan Young
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2011

Recent work on empathy theory, research, and applications, by scholars from disciplines ranging from neuroscience to psychoanalysis. There are many reasons for scholars to investigate empathy. Empathy plays a crucial role in human social interaction at all stages of life; it is thought to help...
Book cover of Low-Carbon Land Transport

Low-Carbon Land Transport

Policy Handbook

by Daniel Bongardt, Felix Creutzig, Hanna Hüging
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2013

Practical guide for transport policymakers and planners to achieve low-carbon land transport systems. Based on wide ranging research, it shows how policies can be bundled successfully and worked into urban transport decision-making and planning strategies. With case studies from developed...
Book cover of The Geological Evolution of the River Nile
by Judson B. Hughes, Rushdi Said, Felix P. Bentz
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

This book gives the geological history of the river Nile since it started to excavate its course in the Egyptian plateaus in late Miocene time in response to the lowering sea level of the desic­ cating Mediterranean. It formed a canyon longer, deeper, and just as awe inspiring as the Grand Canyon,...
Book cover of Mit euch möchten wir alt werden

Mit euch möchten wir alt werden

30 Jahre Berliner Lesebühnen

by Kirsten Fuchs, Bov Bjerg, Daniela Böhle
Language: German
Release Date: November 26, 2018

Berlin ist die Stadt der Lesebühnen. Hier wurde das Format gegründet und populär gemacht. Hier hat es namhafte Autorinnen und Autoren hervorgebracht, hier lesen nach wie vor ein gutes Dutzend Ensembles regelmäßig ihre neuen Texte vor. Der Reiz der Lesebühnen ist ungebrochen. Zeit für eine Hommage!...
Book cover of Social-Media-Analyse – mehr als nur eine Wordcloud
by Matthias Böck, Felix Köbler, Eva Anderl
Language: German
Release Date: October 12, 2017

Die Autoren legen beispielhafte Analysemethoden von Social-Media-Daten dar: deskriptive und Data-Mining-Methoden. Mit deren Hilfe werden kundenorientierte Geschäftsmaßnahmen eingeleitet und ein stetiges Abwägen zwischen vollautomatisierten und manuellen, kostenintensiven Reports gesteuert. Das...
Book cover of Dreifach Geil

Dreifach Geil

Sex im Dreierpack! 33 scharfe Storys

by Lisa Cohen, Andreas Müller, Mark Pond
Language: German
Release Date: January 15, 2009

"Dreifach Geil" praesentiert Ihnen 33 prickelnde Storys, die nicht nur mit saemtlichen Tabus und Hemmungen brechen, sondern auch besonders lustvoll, suendig und vor allem sehr erregend sind. Exzessive Lusterlebnisse unter zwei Freundinnen, die einen wolluestigen Mann verfuehren oder berauschende...
Book cover of Lexikon Raumphilosophie
by Stephan Günzel, Franziska Kümmerling, Kurt Röttgers
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2013

Der Raum und das Verständnis des Raums sind als große neue Themen der Philosophie im Gespräch. Die damit zusammenhängenden Fragen gewinnen derart an Bedeutung, dass von einem ›spatial turn‹ der Wissenschaft gesprochen wird, in Entsprechung zum ›linguistic turn‹, der das Gesicht der Philosophie...
Book cover of Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Tomography of Intracranial Tumors
by C. Claussen, R. Fahlbusch, R. Felix
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

This book represents the second, fully revised edition of the original volume published in 1982. Experience in neuroradiology has confirmed the outstanding value of computed tomography (CT) for the diagnosis of space-occupying lesions within the skull and orbit. It might be assumed, then, that the...
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